Wednesday, July 24, 2024

See the relgion of USA that I was diferent of Catholic

The invite of the Catholicism is universal, the Judaism was give water but we can't open the tap, so for the judaism Catholicism was to be for ever, and for the who is Arab isn't to be, they charged us because they wanted religion.

When I was of a strong religion in USA, the invitation was personal, so isn't enough you got inside one church because the door was open, you had to talk with the community, was more lookalike an brotherhood but extensively for the family. So when because there we understand each other and the luck of the next is very important for us, we are there to our salvation, so we are caring of a personal very important subject, so we didn't like who went there to lose us. And there had the hours, at the after midnight one hours was of the teenagers, I was the priest I was a teenager son of the priest of the other hours.

 Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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