Sunday, July 28, 2024

What is better the perspectives of 3 days vacation

Could be the name holyday, is basically the weekend, some people live less than 4 hours travel road of a good Hotel, and passes the weekend in a Hotel, type Mountain Hotel of Beach Hotel, I think that the person wanted the oprnion of my mother, she used to say that 3 days saturday, sunday, monday is a shit because in the monday you are in a abandon Hotel, but some parameters, could be 3 days beginning in the friday, got the road in the morning and reach before the lunch hour, is that had hotels that breakfast is one of the best part, and had a lot of hotel that the breakfast is included in the daily hotel rate. But depend of what hour you start the travel can even reach the breakfast, had some hotels that dure till the 10 hour, and than they start to fix to the lunch. But and who like the breakfast, if wanted a more one day of breakfast in the Hotel would exactly pay more one day daily to got the breakfast and got the road back in the morning after the breakfast, isn't just economic but convenience and luxury. Could be a family travel or a couple. And is a travel that is out of the vacations, in any party of the year, without an airplane fly, and is so good as depending if had good hotels in your State, for hotels also is very convenient, they don't have to be almost close in the other part of the year, keeping it working, with the team of workers in good order, making money, that could even be a solution for other kind of event, like an encounter of work of a team of a intelectual workers, to be near in the weekend making a job that is out of the normality, type a big party, people near each other with the meals hours in proximity, people even can take the family with just to don't be far from the family, some anual event consume extra hours of some interprises, of course that is depend of the size of the company, the values involved, if all is small, small company, low lucrativity, all is made with the lowest spent of money.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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