Thursday, July 18, 2024

My guide said that about that famous

 That he travel from the past to the future MichelAngelo, and the travel was aliens that do that for him and he didn't acquive return and was like a disease and he becames ropes in the top a beautiful chapel that ropes are his soul, if he in the end of 400 years don't return for his spiritual form he can had the soul destroied and the soul is so clean, is that aliens are sinner against the own eternity in the end of the eras they can had destroied, see the animals are here the others are very bad souls that aren't eternal because they do evil things that could destroy a soul, they don't care, probably the are shocking evil, don't you think? I prefer wait the end of the eras, becuase if they are deads they were the worse thing in the space, wasn't worth a pitty know so bad people.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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