Friday, July 19, 2024

The city didn't sin, the king judge the paper

 Was pre-Mesopotamy civilization, I was the king I can't judge because we were out of paper! Would be the judgment of an angel, I conclude was an ingerency and not a contigency, because we were rich and the auxiliar let the papr run out.

The people brought to my presence an angel, I aske where that figure came fall from above, was disapointing, was a woman, I thought that angels was males, don't matter of what race, was short I thought that angels was oves 3 meters, had the tool that measure, don't need bring I see from I am that she is shorter than our race, no wings! When I said to bring the paper becuase the king would started his mister, we were out of paper, I would ask who was the king that lived there in the skies, at that time if wasn't Heaven but just skies could even a demon, but could be only ONE! I also would ask if there they had a army, but where was the paper to be write? And of course would start only that tests the intelligence of the angel, but without paper, why asks the study men of my palace, they were all employees of the king, we were a bit belic, so I said that went away and never return, because you show to my people something very inferior, people wanted to kill they all in the middle of the city, if you return your luck would be the population had permission of do what they want, and my word is given and any of the person that listen could givetestemony that the population can do what they want meaning that isn't necessary a second judgment, done baned at that moment, run out of my city!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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