Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bit of Heaven of Hell

 I remember something about that guy, that explain some stories about arms and legs. One day that was in the begining, I listen a conversation with another soul, the story was that one of the souls that talk with him, I think she travel very much and if she is rich and thinks that is poor? She isn't from Ceará and see her some times passes, she kind of bit burn to say that he was right of thinks that he need a small kid she was that bad, she thinkin that the kid would be she he thinking in something like 6 or less and she over 10, she wasn't paying so much atention wasn't she what she was plaining, I look her spiritual what barrel I want see a bit more him, to see how was his soul, you know in the deep under the perispirito that is what people think about us, he represent that guy to people see a beautiful person, but say if he isn't a demon, I just remember what he is, a repulsive insect, a cockroach black that lose 2 arms of croacoach and one leg of cockroach, cockroach had wings and jump in people to make them got afraid. He was talking about him, I said so you had a torrid romance with a married man and finished when you was with 6 years old, you are a old rag.

And about heaven, let me say that what save my cousins was they with pitty of they see each other dead, remember of return 3 days and got they also their demon brother and let they down in hell, in the day that God see they dead, I didn't see, I said that all the hearts are late and mine was early, because I didn't need see one borther molested to be sleeping to have pitty and got my brothers and let they there in a save place,  the others was being cruels with the demoniac becuase they after see a borther molested got revolted and only thoguht in the own brother molested, God said that everybody had 6 brothers to put down there and one more borther that was the diabolic, I said to God didn't I return even think that there was save?

And one more, people asking that he with two less cockroach arms he work less, he so prepotent , giving oreders for the others had someone that see he got in the hard work? Think in a person that think tha people can receive a payment without work! The fly of a cockroach, they are terrible people got afraid of them, they are a menance to humanity with they deseases they could kill us, even the blood spit they can make we got ill. Very dangerous souls, DEMONS for sure! He running to jump in one! Is missing a leg, how he do?

And I was remembering about my another life that my borther was albino, and he was saying that the demn had a third breast, I was thinking funny, he leting appear the tail, we were in a circle of friends, I asked and is milk? He said that the demon was creative was piss, I asked for someone of religion African sometimes I was meditating like my mother taught me, my father was of another religion, where is the leg of the demon? In the head, where is the arms? under the chin and the other in the place of the other, people I listen that the demon, once didn't kill a person because he was a normal body, but he got all mixed at evolution of his violence, so he wasn't that fast he was all descompose, so returning where is the ass of the demon? under the arm that is in the place of the other arm, and I asked and the dick was the only thing that until today people didn't knew where was?

And all my thoughts about the last day a afraid of take that leader, he asked me what would make me afraid of got in that door, be there after we passes the door amputation at small pieces and tomar no "O", but isn't the look of the good ones? Is better than be alone for an uncertain luck alone! The only thing that would make me be regreat is there He be killing everybody at the door and only one be torture inside there for demons that He hide forever, but you know what is haunting, is be some in the under that door got close and appear the creatures that said to me that they aren't dead they lived their evil bodies an are living after Maranhão in direction for Amazonas, women horrendous that would lve in eternal danation and the person in eternal death. So the wrong place where had only one, nobody can see thru that door. I see a soul lost a arm to passes the arm, when returned was even scarred.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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