Friday, July 19, 2024

That way Americas is a bad place even for the demon

 We breathe toxicity, I listen had some time, about souls, I went to a place with my family that there was spiritual cure, the problem this is a country of hate, darlings... Had people that make war to those things... The thing is so negative that who want go there? The thing is that people there ask conversion, that is stop of be Catholic to folloe the religion, so there had books, they aren't edited but just printed, the problem of the authorship is that who write, write with a help of a ghost, so is a book that authorship is psichographed by ... with the I don't remember what spirit ..., one very famous is Emanuel and another is André Luís. The books are something quite common, memories of a life that the soul got so attached to it that still from there didn't incarnated again, so the common is regular lives that happens in the past, Emanuel is very liked because he said for books of the time of Egypt and Rome I think is 3.000 years the book. This is very common, but when the soul is very important a spirit, the books say about the after death, but is a rarity, so the most is about the Limbo, Heaven I think none. About Hell I find one. And there he said that he visit the part of the hell that Dante was but he was calling abyss. 

So listen that had demons that climb in very bad shape to incarnate, so the story I was talking with his obssessora, for human doesn't have incarnated obssessores, but he is a demon and he have a incarnated obssessora, that is for souls a person that be near a person wanting all the bad for the person, drain the life making the person mad, making the person quarrel with others, confusing the person to make the person make accidents with itself or for others, like car crashes, making hte person had vices, the fact in Americas he had a mouth that he thinks that say something and is saying infernal things that is all her sexual vices that aren'r few, the woman is mad to carring him.

Sometimes I felt there that I was a bee that listen a story to carry to another place, and is that one, there in the hell, have some paranormals that can see the other side, so listen there and read in the book abyss, that who is depraveded, I don't know if have a more proper name, is in the hell in a valley of mutilated people that the desregulated sex make the person got the arms and legs rotten and lose them in that pan, so how more depraved the person had less members, are bling in that valley still making sex with what is there, a lot of women and men, all blind, she was there in better conditions, he had lives with very inteparated lives, with a lot of homosexualism and what so ever, the rest too, so she was better than a demon, what are the consequencies? He is depedent of her, and she wanting enrabar him! I was listen the story I said to her be ashamed, she frighten me, I was only saying to her that he was a miserable, that people supposes to feel pitty of him, that he need treatment, he is even shameful of so dependent of her, and he thinking that say something and are saying other things like all his dissoluteness. One of Brazil when he got the clothes out ot his mother see the lady scream his ass was a old bag. He was carried to one of that houses of cure because even liar he was, he was impossible. There he got regreat of he did with himself, he was homosexual an all the time enlarging the ass till be huge and passes to ba with women, ´rpbably old women to have that for outside.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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