Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gold golden

 Came in my angelical mailing, what is the corn, and me here, I if was living the way I want I would travelling!!! And was that the corn of the Hell Heaven even God confuse the two on propose, once he said that was 15 Heavens an another day said that had ony one Heaven and all under are Hells.

So the corn spiritual, are evil but they are in cobs, they are like an germ, a big one? Mutliplying till be big? Wasn't to say but this is past was to see who lie to see corn cobs, the corn are scattered across the floor in grains.

The computer the spiritual one don't cooperate that easy, the last person that went there, that computer appear a torture machine, if is a woman is the Cosmos, the person was naked in a torture chamber very small with the ass out. That appears an empalation.

Also I already said, I don't know even why repeat, that my guide said that the Vatican is a Palace, had diferences among Palace and Castle, Jesus is Palace is kingdom, I think, I think the diference is that Castle are made of rock and the Palace could be even a place to pass the time for a king made of wood covered with what appear rich, the demon hide in the rotten wood see? The Vatican my guide sai need a lot of wood, only chants that place would not be important, was made to be very key for something. If the demon can't passes by that Church, would not be place for nothing. So a palace is like that is stick, just pau, but is covered to be like a Heaven, so the white and the golden and can't be to much gold, the most had to be cheap alloy with appearance of gold, but construct with care, following some rules, there wasn't made of anyway almost all had a reason.

I sometimes think like the old people, if you want something well done had to be you, you delegate always a detail leak, and always are the details, or say to ME what that Jesus is waiting FOR? I don't know but who is elevated in the wood, so He had part with the up and the down. Say do you think the Heaven isn't gold?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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