Sunday, July 28, 2024

And how was working in that computer

 I talked with a person that wanted to receive the same of a genius but without the geniality, for me people can receive like if had the same result, and if he worked 3 times more for that big salary? Doing extra hours, sacrificing the weekend, and his kids? He was gay he passed the weekend farting to his cat smell, and he even had more 3 months a year, his mentor taught him to work that way to edit a whole movie of special effect the entirely movie in one file, he was very criticise for that, even for the computer was more hard, and when the things goes wrong in one part of the film, he can't just inciate with a virgen clip, he was smart of do that way, but wasn't the optimize way, all the saving taking hours, is that almost don't have a movie that story is told in only one scene, even being in a house probably the person gonna use more than one room. So was a hard processing even for a computer, all the time that we make a change is more information in the file, I think that was a computer potent like an ethernet, type the equivalent to 20 computer of the heavy ones, more dense memory, more power for processing, we cut we replace, we make that effects, we edit sound, all that editing in only one file, is a huge file, had computer that bug with big files, isn't the case was a potent computer, quality of the video could got lower? Depend of the editor the computer program that is used, the better would take a life to process a bad one would make taking not so long but with a very poor result.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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