Tuesday, July 16, 2024

People talking about the quality of th evideo and not of the music

 Ha more than 10 years that my guide make me see a video that he explain that, that was a studio of Disney that worked in Europe I think that was in England and they were doing the video of ABBA, peope even where the scene was common they fro angelical or devilish inspiration was making special effect on, and people don't see nothing, they use the same cameras for edition that were used in the movie of "Se minha cama voasse", with Angela Lansbury, my guide specially like her, she even knew Elisabeth Taylor, but return to the cold story, does my guide her fã?

So my guide said that they got the frames of the shoot of the singers, and make them represent in the size of a paper like A4 of the printer and put the frames in a machine with camera to make the animation, so they make frames to animated them like a cartoon! And they got the frames and make some changes, they even used a big computer of an English University to make some research, the hypnosis is inthe movie balde runner the computer, but returning for the cold story, so they use the computer to people see fast 3 frames and see something, but if you stop the 3 frames isn't that, I saw stopping some of the musical videos had so esculhabação, was true really the frames are weird, are not offensive but had some wigs dancing a arm that is black, one leg that isn't leg and things like that. And now the balde runner people think the message is drink coca-cola, besta assim.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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