Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I'm going to drag myself through the mud for this one

 About the guide, is that he sometimes, when is the female, she tell even what she really doubt. So if say all she says I would say shit, she don't care about my credibility to the others, she isn't God or Jesus to someone had faith on her, I would say that in people like her is trust. So I say some easy things others that I didn't believe I didn't want to say, I only say partial, she thinks that way that she one day give a prove that she be saint thing, that isn't even a tiny miracle, so what she said that the more controversy singer that I saw was a priest, before! What I was thinking before, that he worked for a recorder, and he worked for the demon, and the demon was using him to his epopeia, the demon need be critics of himself and write the songs for a performist, that was really Maria Jesus mother, but was because the agent was the demon, I think that if he was priest that he received the information but not instruction, is like head and heart live isolated, he is dreaming with the holy Mother and even doesn't know, so there bad received was a hypnosis.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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