Thursday, July 18, 2024

From where came that hate for the other

 Is that forgiviness wasn't cheap, that other life victim made the otehr make violent things to his person, was so much prostitution that the way his soul got he doesn't want anymore his soul. The cheap forgiviness is expensive, is like the own soul? And that poverty, I say, that had many things about souls, lost ones, probably had answers about to evil person but pal isn't me that would discover the secret of the lost souls, see we got to dive down to got know, and I would never dive that down, see your problem? Noboy had the answer! And have who lost very much the soul! See I went talk with good souls that even very lost, and thinking that where they are they agree to answer to me for the good of another person but they aren't that misery, those answer serve, of course no! Is about souls with much better situation, so people that think that the fall was rotten till die, had the goodness of want that his example of life help another person to don't be so down. Even that victim, that I knew kind of I said for a sister of another life that she had to stop to be with people that are losing the soul, is that she like man and also see he dead. He travel in the sex with the fantasies that would revenge of all the way his algoz, he was a soul in delirious, had that delirious is accept, came in my mailing what is dream for a soul I really don't know and was there that dream is ridiculous for a soul because the soul would stop of see the true and the dream is a thing that replace the real facts, is what is give to replace the memories, this for a soul, a soul don't understand like a dream, is that is happens =one thing bad and the soul thinks that was other thing ears for souls are something diferent, the souls listen poorly, the ears aren't to listen, so wha ta soul think is almot what listen is dificult lie to a soul I think.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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