Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I gonna teach something very cool, and say something about be bad

I gonna teach soemthing that I learn about confectionary, I thought that was one of the best techniques, but what isn't nice, had some years that I teach something and I give the name of the professor, people I thought that I was helping her, that could be a work for her because, she was very good professor, but I think that people talked with her to ennoyng her, internet is easy you find everybody, people this is grotesque people want work, write for her to be funny or indelicate, this is a criminal.

So was of the same professor, she was very good, and by now you know that the cakes in my city are covered with a croast of galcê named marble, the name of the other royal glacê, the both with short time got dry and got hard, like a coat of sugar, had cookies expensive ones that are covered with coat of sugar because is very decorative, I use to eat one imported of nestle, for Christmas, so she used to make the arandela, the drool, this way, my grandmother do that, my mother measure in the dish and she marked with a pencil, pencil do no harm to the healthy, so in the course is that way, she also use a pencil, but she got a piece of paper, the silk paper for confectionary, kitchen use, measure the cake like the paper being a sewing measuring tape, understand repeating she got a strip of paper, my mother do that way she is economic, she got the roll make strips and attache them with the office glue tape, to don't lose a lot of paper, so you got the roll of silk paper and make with a scissors, tapes of paper, the enough to put around the cake like a belt, in confectionary we use a lot of clip, office glue tape, pencil, ruler, calculator, and if working calendar, to count in reverse the dates, day 7 a party, 3 days before the purchase, 2 days the confectionaring the, one day the decoraating. And if need a board to place it... Had schedule and the routine to make it, cakes are like that they need a plain surface, my grandmother used to do stock cake, a big cake would be done that way with isopor the center, and she would surrounded with cake, because had effect an is light, so about the paper tape my professor got it and fold in the long once and again and again, till got the right size for the ruffles, she didn't measure cut directly like the wave of the ruffle, and got that pattern put around the cake again like a belt, and with a pencil draw the lightly the shape of the paper, she asked to someone hold when she was doing, my mother would use a tape to hold the ends of the paper, so after is just make the ruffles with the confectionary bag and tip.

And other is make type a character of the disney like, people wanted Alice of the Wonderland, I was in other course and one pf the students said that always hire a friend that is painter to draw and paint for her, so the technique is that, is need a pencil, got a draw of the character, we print in a normal office printer, in common paper, so first she cut the character, taking out all the around that isn't the character, place in the top of the cake, with a pencil and draw direct in the cake using the edge of the paper like, making the replace for a shirt in the cloth, I also do clothes, so she use like a pattern, and after she got the character and cut out the hair, replace to match in the cake and draw the hair, take out, cut of a intelligent way, to appear mouth and draw cut to appear eyes draw in cake all the time, cut part of the draw and place in the cake to obtain more lines of the character till had all the character well drawed in the cake, is perfection, so she could use liquid glacê that was she did, or could be painting with gel painting that is food colouring, or even with glacê real with star tip like the Wilton cakes, is very beautiful, any filling technique, what is filling, she used glacê liquid with black ink to make make a draw with black line, was beautiful.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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