Saturday, September 7, 2024

Reflxion like a construct a thesys

 I had saw some texts about phylosophy, becuase was used translate for the Portuguese as text study, to study grammar, they came from Latin and Greek.

Why the philosophy fall in importance, but in law is still very important, because the method investigative was swap for the scientific certain-certeza científica, so can't be for the conviction if you can use real proves, in the field of the chemistry and physics these are sciences, but is important fro people imagine things and use methods to doesn't got impossible conclusions, so is very human need the philosophy, but the sciences is a field that need real proves and fro that philosophy isn't no more a point of view but to develop a thesys philosophy still are good just isn't prove you gonna passes for the scientific methods of prove, so today we have the microscope, we gonna use it and this is sciences, and we gonna be in biology, chemistry had the reactions, had for the Astronomy the telescope, so philosophy for that is just create a concept, we can still use for scientific discussion, but in one moment we gonna have to pass for the scientific method of comprovation, so we can no more live of mental creations for explain the natural sciences, but in the field of the human sceincies the philosophy is need.

So who read my blog a long time could notice that I use the method philosophical investigative for some question, I said also that I am paranormal, that some of those things I didn't see, even the police can answer those question, and they had investigators, me in Ceará how can I know something that happens in Bahia or Maranhão ou Rio de Janeiro? I am young how can know something that happens before my birth? Something that someone was thinking when do something, had something that I said only if I asked to that woman why she is that way, she was talking about someone very ugly, how could someone know why someone was so unshaped, only asking for the person, at least was me that show a image of a deformed woman and make thesys about her body? I pratically don't show pictures so imagine human, so I don't use picture of pratically nobody, I show picture of makup, nail polish, food, artcraft, all show a lot is my hands, so say those ugly things I say you are right she are all that, I said only went after her and asking why she was that way, becuase the accusations was ugly, she is so stupid of think that a American fat woman is her friend, th eopposite hated with love, the love is for the range the odium is for the friend, she is stupid of sent the own pictures for a woman in Americas that want to know why the men of Americas isn't for them, I am this life, in the Etherio I listen that in Americas had almost nothing of men, tha the marriage is woman with woman, so stole a American man is type, is 10 men for 10.000 women so gona be 9 men for 10.000 women. So if that bitch want carry the lesbian machagonas she can, is what more have in Americas machagonas is 1 for 1.

So the development of a philosophy have:

starts from a premise

develops a reasoning

that's criticism

constructive criticism

scientific conviction - don't have.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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