Monday, September 30, 2024

Acho que foi justo por que aquele cara era inumano

 A fofoca é assim, lá no GEO Studio, de que ano né? Além daquele anti-social, tinha um que pagou a faculdade sendo gigolô, uma mulher deu a faculdade dele, os amigos dele diziam que estava certo, ela era odiada pelo ao menos achou um cara novo para gastar dinheiro, pelo ao menos ele fazia algum tipo de bem para ela, o inumano pai do céu que malvado, o gigolô o bicho feio, so era chic. Uma prostituta fedorenta que estudava noutro cursinho levou o antisocial para a prostituição mesmo! Pelo ao menos ele aprendeu respeito gigolô não é prostituta, ele era imundo, se ela ensinou pra ele, sabe o que uns meninos disseram dela, que ela fazia com a por que ela não precisa tirar a roupa, e podia ser em qualquer lugar, quando eu soube como ela era, eu tinha era medo de estar perto dela, me diga com quem andas que direi quem és, qualquer lugar era sujo com ela por perto, e não tinha pessoa segura, do jeito que ela faiza era qualquer lugar, qulaquer pessoa.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Taí que eu não sabia

 Eu não sabia que podia voltar no tempo para salvar duas pernas quanto mais que isso custa a alma, aquele do carro capotando o carro ia capotar 4 vezes por causa do guia foi 7, ele ficou 3 dias querendo salvar o cara, a história não tem sentido, aquela mulher gosta de pertubar as almas fala sério e com convicção isso a pessoa vai pro hospício sem paradas. Oh mulher chata merda eu já disse que sou do Ceará, vai ouvir baiano, maranhese para ver se é mais legal chata é ela, eu não me acho com uma linguagem regional.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Últimas fofocas-esclarecimentos

A fofoca foi que parafuso de porta é aquele the vai na dobradiça da porta é que ele é maior do que o do dobradiça da janela, e a operadora mandou agradecer por que ela teve um pressentimento e estava foragida desde aquela operação, ela não sabia que a outra estava aleijada ia voltar e ela agradece ela tem é medo de ter alwijado tanto alguém.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A gente sabe

 Precisa de ajuda de amigos e uma pessoa lê meu blog para me ofender, eu nem cito nomes, uma mulher dessa merece toda sorte de violência, ela pode sofrer violência mas eu não tenho nada a ver com ela e ela ainda pede pro povo não me ler, se eu morrer? Eu já disse que quase me mataram.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Eu não sei o que quer dizer para os outros

 Mas para mim eu imagino que quer me dê permissão que eu quero, para mim é isso mas não teve não. Acho super romantico. Se eu tivesse dito e não foi eu.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Eu comprei pra ver se isso faz cuscuz no microondas

Parece que cabe uma espiga de milho.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Tem quem me perguntasse - matemática

 Sabe cálculo II é lindo, lá a gente aprende corpos em revolução e usa até mesmo o geogebra para vê-los feitos aí calculadora é 3d, tem mais o eixo z, super legal pensa na coisa mais fofa.

É necessário saber interpretar gráficos, quando eu boto uma equação e ela apresenta uma reta, parábola, periódica, nós temos aí uma conclusão não tinha uma resposta, mas um conjunto de respostas, o grupo domínio para muitas equações são todos os números mas tem exceções: raízes não pode haver x que o resultado seja uma raíz quadrática de um número negativo, então o conjunto domínio só será dos números positivos, outro exemplo problemas com o x no denominador, não pode aparecer zero no denominador, você pode pensar ainda vai aparecer uma solução, existe em cálculo o que chamamos de limiar, quando se está chegando perto desses absurdos as respostam tendem ao infinito, nunca fecha, aí você coloca numa calculadora gráfica e dá pra ver que o gráfico abre. Você está brincando eu mostrei gráficos que eles abriram. Desacredita mulher os matemático de seu país querendo tirar a ciencia do Brasil, isso é para qualquer país. Você fala português é?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Dois números naturais positivos são tais que a diferença de seus quadrados é 11. A soma destes dois números é:

A) 11
B) 13
C) 9
D) 15

Eu uso gráfico para testar a validade de algumas questões eu fiz calculo 1 e 2 na faculdade olha aí amigo os dois gráficos só se encontram num ponto e é o menos 5 e 6, como pode a resposta estar certa? Vê aí os dois gráficos se encontram só num ponto carai (-6,5) pode ser o que ele pede, eu uso gráficos por que é o teste anti-marmota, um gráfico está aí todos os números reais, que são os racionais i irracionais para o conjunto domínio e imagem é por isso que os imaginários não podem estar num gráfico por que aí estão até os números irracionais, então se não tivesse os números irracionais em vez de uma reta teriamos uma reta com gaps, os irracionais completam a reta mas vê temos uma reta e o outro é uma parabola tenho que assumir que eles não vão se encontrar mais no infinito quer izer que eles não se encontram é um axioma, então ess ponto tem que ser a resposta e não é para o gabarito.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Tem gente que merece

 E mais o cara é tão preguiçoso que quando vier ele vai estar com 85 anos ela não pode estar nova. Me disseram que aquele diretor tá longe da idade que ele diz, ele mesmo tem que buscar ele no Brazil, ele só irira conseguir com 85 anos por isso ele mente a idade em 20 anos. Eu não estou afinada com os dados ma acho que se ele mente tanto a idade ele já esta com 85.

Eu não mango de ninguém, um vai chegar tão preguiçoso que ele não vem por que é vagabundo sustentado pela mãe, sabe quendo ele vai querer quando a mãe morrer, quando a mãe morrer ele vai ficar um triste fantasma se escondendo das pessoas até ficar no ponto para ir para para um asilo. Um passageiro que nunca vai estar naquele navio. Um navio que nunca chegou aquele que trazia ele.

Preguiça do ponto de vista de quem precisa parece infinita maldade.

Demencia, homens com demencia ouvindo uma o que? Aquela profissão todo mundo sabe que é fachada, ela não é formada custou a pernas de outra mulher, por que ela disse que ia fazer uma operação para imbecil ficar alta, botou os mesmos parafusos que se compra em uma loja de ferragens nas pernas da mulher apodreceu as duas pernas, parece que era parafuso de porta, a mulher já era baixa, foi para a late de lixo.

E os peitos qur nunca descem, pegou uma doida que queria dizer que era virgem foi na mesma log de ferragens, comprou umas vigas passou pelo bico da doida e apoiou as vigas nas costelas para as vigas segurarem os peitos da miserável, o bico nem fecha direito, já mora lá um rato, que caga lá dentro e come um pouqionho de carne meio crua, imagina o cheiro dos peitos da virgem?!

Também tem a mão de sapo, ela é da boa por que a mão não funciona mas ainda está empindurada.

E tem maluca que se incomoda com os nomes que só existem no Ceará, eu sei que eles são doidos mas eles só existem ninguém está dizendo com ninguém, por que senão seriamos maus e violentos, e somos bons, tipo um nome lambisgoia, não tem nem significado, é um nome que se diz quando se tem raiva.

E mais tem gente que merece ser chamada de prostituta cara explorar a pobreza da família alheia... Safada estúpida.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Isso só tem nas Americas

 Uma alma disse para mim que o problema do meu nome é que, isso só tem nas America's, uma estripador de mais de 90 anos um crime lá do longe passado se chama Rute, ela é que não admite o pessoal usando o nome dela, por que o abuso não tem fim.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Um louco

 Eu gosto de criança negras tanto quanto qualquer pessoa descente, ao meu ver são iguais as demais com vida tão boa as vezes que as brancas acham as vidas delas melhor, mas um tarado daquele faz mal a uma criança por ser negra e casa com uma prostituta velha e com aquela cor nojenta sem raça e pensa que fez justiça que o povo do Brasil vai carrega-lo nas costas por que a prostituta velha faz aquilo desde os 6 anos?! Por que ela é brasileira, uma mulher odiadisssima. Não ter raça lá é mais digno que ser negro, cara fedorento e ridículo.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Um amigo psiquiatra disse

 Que o comportamento de uma certa pessoa era porque ela não queria ser salva, era no Brazil psicologicamente ela queria a ajuda de um Italiano ou faltou inteligência ou falto o desejo de realmente ser ajudada. Como alguém do exterior iria saber o que aquela pessoa estava vivendo, ela iria passar o resto da vida naquela situação degradante.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Por que assim pode receber

 Peça ajuda a alguém de seu país, que um vizinho pode te ajudar uma pessoa do exterior a pessoa está noutro país como pode a pessoa ajudar, deve ser vexoso a pessoa ficar decadente de abandonado, ficar desfigurado de tão acomodado mas alguém próximo às vezes só falta a vontade e uma do exterior não pode, eu escrevi uma vez para a ONU, mas o seu caso é um problema que não involve essa criminalidade, eu não escrevo de novo por que alguém me desacreditou.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Eu entendo o guia a esse respeito

 É que eu ouvi que ele teve que se enfiltrar em certas organizações e fingir amizade a xerto criminosos, ele disse que vai passar  usar outra pessoa, eu estou sofrendo agressões, ele não podia usar uma pessoa perto dele ou os criminosos iam descobrir que foi ele, e a minha cidade estava muito longe, eu acho incrível ter a ver com uma prostituta do nordeste algo que envolva tantas pessoas de tantospaíses, vai ver que ele pesquisou sobre ela para ter ajuda de Brasileiros, por que isso seria mutuamente proveitoso, acho bom isso ter terminado para mim. Quando eu comecei a falar sobre isso me disseram sem, me informaram tão pouco foi o que eu disse, mas uma das coisas foi que isso salvaria pessoas de fora do Brasil, a qui dentro parece desesperador, mas fora tem sequestro assassinatos as pessoas desaparecem e tem mortes violentíssima, que até dinheiro não compra segurança.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sabe aquela mulherzinha

 O nosso amigo em comum está é prostituindo ela, ele não deixa ela sem vigilância ela é uma maluca, famosa mas super estrupada por que ela com 50 anos por que estava bonitinha chamou um diretor de 60 anos de avô, ele deixou ela só o cú.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Minha amiga

 Eu estou ajudando um cara contra a prostituta mais violenta do Brasil eu não sou rude. Prostitutta é quem tem medo precisa de mim, e vai morrer, eu te odeio depois da minha ajuda me chamar de rude, eu sou honesta, a pessoa que não entende esse care que eu falei mal eu é que salvei ele no Brasil eu tenho dúvidas ele é pedofilo.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

What's tired for a genius

 On language of genius translating normal people is that he aren't brilliant anymore he was a sucessão in the last and don't have any more ideas, so he is today only an old tired man saying things maybe more stupid than the other men of his age.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Dictatorship of the old woman?

 Had that convince people of don't want be a fertile young woman, why someone care about that?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Genius are that way

 I thought that guy was a perverted and didn't had age or experience to see being a normal person I saw that people aren't that smart so I didn't said what I think.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That was mad old person

At least the people have to vote themselves for the place a disrespect of the beginning to the end, one was be a brilliant student, 2 had a doll based knowledge her face since was a arm baby, so was based on pictures of a baby and in the end be a ninfeta, and would emerge the envious stupid woman older to want destroy the person even using the doll based on her face, had who wanted that place, suffer violence of a prostitute old woman? He appear be friend of the prostitute. I don't know so young ninfeta. He is tired pervert man, he only have that smart look, I didn't said nothing people thinks that I admired him, he a monster, impossible!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

my guide said about age

 He had that conversation with me, I was 8 years old, how I pretend to be with 60 years old. He saw me very longeva, that woman that criticise everybody in the microblog sh eonly could be a liar, we see old people very much in churches, in the houses of misericordias, had some of the spiritism, I sai that I want to be one that people admire and like and even seeing thinks me beautiful, because I am descent, take care of my appearance, don't lie for them, uses a normal parfum and not that paranoic ones that resemblance with old woman, and people like me because they know that I am trustable, is that we don't see very often a positive image of old woman, they had of all the types, probably a long road of a dishonesty person is stamped in the face of a woman when she is old.

 Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had that wasn't narcisism

 See the my father of the incarnation that I was a beggar is other lives I was his man he being a man not because the narcissism but because had an admiration of my part but admiration that was love for me was only about that person, this isn't a good thing but was for only a person, because I was the man I let he a lot of times beat me and I never returned I was younger. I understand that he had his days, he was older he had his internal dramas, see he was like me intelligent and handsome, I admirate only could be or my father, a handsome man admiring a ugly intelligent man?! impossible, imagine one day the ugly want be a master, an friendship with inequality, so I suppose I was the man of the future the one build to rule an govern I never let misjudgment stop my way, the way is to up, I nothing would stay between me and the future. The govern of the best men. He is a full man, have no missing parts, behind a intelligent smart man can have so much resentment and envious, they aren't perfect but the handsome and intelligent they are perfect outside and inside.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Of somehow

 I put myself in risk, because could got gotten or you can bet to save, I am in one full piece. she is sodidy she only helps because she is needing for her, she came of under of a lot of trash.

My guide was saying that, that wait so much for the love of the life was making the ladies got old fast, to they be old when their man arrive, so what she listen?

Is despairing, a lot would be menopausada and is very depressive, a lot of person stops of want, of care with herself, a lot of the self love goes away, I said to the guide that the boyfriend came the person would that way a trash, everybody had a biological clock, and people don't need so without feelings for a person that stops of want be alive, that when the love came the person is half human all the time losing even the self respect, was that what he was talking with me, he says about the future problems, nobody need wait the person be isfigurated, to construct a completely destroyed woman.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And people mocking laughing

 That woman is stupid, I don't wan t imagining that she publishes her shits on a place like Facebook, twitter or whatsapp, she can't be that low bitch, in those places you have to assign to her profile to be her friend to read the silly things she write, in a blog and site, you don't need nothing and she thins that gave blood, I don't have to have any assignment, is that those places what she writes can be shared and viralizar that is shared, so she is in the top of a piramid, maybe even people relates what she write with another person, maybe the famous are another person and not she.

She asking me to affirm things that I didn't see, because happened with her, she thinks that in Brazil people passed for the same than she, she is a evil woman, she have a pact with the demo(demú)-demon, evil like she is she only have the worse of that chalice, she drinked mixo de cachorro.

People mocking of her confessions, happens worribles things but what happens to her probably is for just some, with her evil-o she would never pay? The guide asked me something, but wasn't what she was thinking I had to say.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That t-shirt


Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I gonna say what is that video

 That was witchcraft, they gave up because me and my friend other girl almost got in troubles because we were hypnotised, we got down in a hell, and was filming, there we became two crocodile, we were not trying make sex we got transform in 2 adults, we were 10 years old, I became a man and she a beautiful woman, but was like we have 30 years old, is that the reason I was more muscle, with 20 years old I would be more slim, so there had a lot of other person and she was thinking that were men, so in a moment that I saw that the old women was getting interested I hold her to we came out of the hell, she hypnotised was desiring sex I notice that the people was all older women. So we aren't more in that experiments. So the movie starts with we became crocodiles.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Can someone have all the vices

 That guide is preguiçoso, he asked me to play the games of all the platforms of sale that had games, he is so stupid now I see he thinks that people can make money with that games, isn't a stupid vagabundão, my time is gold, and he make me lose my time with that games because he is this kind of low inteligence, had games in the world but right those ones people make money?

Everyboy that live with game had that that games had a statistic to one receive money the game have to have a platform of 15.000 losing the game understand?

I said to him that I can be a bum losing my time of other ways like saw soap operas, see movies, make me lose my time, and he want me to stop when the game give me some savings.

Pay attention, at some years that macumbeiro, had 5 amputees and manace the people like that, he black mail people and hold the tocos of the amputees and people got scared, before the ridiculous prostitute in the terreiros was that way the woman there stay with animals than, dogs, ox, monkeys, the problem appear that she staied with a marine animal got a disease and kill the others because passed a weird disease, so came the horrible prostitute and she stay with old women people are even more desperate, people said that she staied with famous old women of Rio de Janeiro, I think could be also any old woman calling herself a renowned woman, the other guide his enemy knew that he came to Brazil with an actor of USA and he when make some macumbas was she making sex with old women the hateful guide saw and passed do himself with old women to be more powerful, he thinks is power, see is the spiritual body of the old prostitute, doesn't one used amputee people making people made because arm is to much? So he uses his porco body with people.

And he is envious is that the reason he liked the old woman, she the woman of serra pelada, envious! His chin is a operation because he envy a person he had ostheoporosys right in the chin, was his bigger envy.

Slot, envy and he had a Universal plan to say to the Fahter of God had that guy up there we went so much times there and that guide rise and find a father there for God, he is guloso he do liposuction on his fat body to appear thin in movies, he want that exercise make people sick and fat, that who eat very much crap fat and be the more slim people, so people do diet to be fat! I was remembering that the bodies had a defect when God was sculpting the DNA he make with ease to got fat because food shortages, I was thinking but not so much to people be thin and healthy, so was to poor don't eat to much because the food would disappear. I didn't acquive prove to Him that the agriculture could enhance the enough to all the humanity eat, I was trying to prove that the agriculture could produce the enough to people eat more, but He didn't accepted. So first had to prove that the humanity have foo enough, and is the caloric food, a lot of calories isn't that, is have enough food. But of course the DNA can't be the opposite because the humans be thin and super thinners, is imoral is sin the slot, is sin my friend God can't make bodies perfect for the sin, who eat to much everybody see. Slot is a sin, and a sin that everybody sees the sinner.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, September 27, 2024

One question that isn't hard but had method

 And is planing and attack, so you see the problem and at first glance appear dificult when I was in teh begining I used to explore all the possibilities and making a beautiful table of all that I could discover and stoped an interpretation of the informations I finishes the problem, but all very well described, just take sometime but I worked very fast, and write well was part to I don't got lost in so much information, but I passedto observation planing and attack the problem, that is for the arm for a desease like give the right medication, the medication the attack. So to the quesiton.

To get to a certain city, a driver noticed that his vehicle consumed 12 liters of fuel for every 100 km he drove. The 450 km journey took 6 hours. Under these conditions, how many liters of fuel were consumed per hour? 

A) 9 liters

B) 12 liters 

C) 54 liters

D) 72 liters

Organization of a matematical way what was write por extension, put things to the egineer of the mathematics:

12L    _______  100km - 12 liters of gas make 100km

450Km    _______  6H     -  all the trip was 450Km and took 6hours

So now observation and planning⏳Let's discover how much liters was spent in all trip:

450Km/100Km = x/12 -> So in all trip was spent 54liters of gas, is the grandity in common, the kilometers, so in the 1st equation I had that 100Km is 12 liters and I compare with the part of the other information that is the trip was 450kilometers I want discover is the time but I have the distance, so with the liters by the trip I gonna compare with the 6 hours to know how much was spent in one hour because I discover that in 450Km is 54liters, and I knowing that 450Km is all the trip I can compare directly 54liters with 6 hours, isn't that simple but is the way you need see how the calculation without the explanation is extremelly short so 

54L/y = 6h/1h -> y = 9 liters. Everyboy can work with complex comparisions isn't direct, is of secon grade, is you give one information that you to discover you have to compare not direct you need make a comparation with something in common.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I know a lot of things but

 The younger guide I know is 30 years older that me, I need know. I was another day thinking shut up you stupid, he was reading the brain of that prostitute, and he got knew that make oral in a lot of women, and he discover that she thought was "azedo", he wanted that I said that about that prostitute I say to him shut up, becuase how could I knew the experience of another person, see how he was stupid? He would make the evil to me!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So discussion about culinary

And when I was in the kidengarden was about the pressure cooker panela de pressão, and was about the sardines, was type a dangerous with bottles of glass, only could do in a factory, you know what is a caldeira?-caldron? Is a inox complex with heat and a clock for the preassure, the clock is because that could explode if the preassure got very high, increase the heat increase the preassure, water in important is becuase the water in form of vapour increase the preassure, but once the caldron lit you can just dimish the water because is a close system when the hit started to make preassure. So is a dangerous experiment. So why the water isn't a fornalha but a caldron, I think the water is need.

So  we were seing that, for the education of kids people use movies, slides, cards had the toys but wasn't use we only saw cards was better, one day for night ended all that luxo, ut to the caldron. 

 And why a preassure cooker? We were discussing, my friends could be of Italy, USA babies talk the language they learn, they could not be Brazillians, I studied in Canarinho with less than 4 years old, so for a friend becuase was need because they were in bottles I disagree, could be in a normal pan, but to need a preassure cooker was because the bottles was closed, so why the preassure cooker? To the bottles doesn't explode, the bottles are with preassure inside, so need a preassure cooker becuase we were cooking industrially to that be in a process that endure years of conservation.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, September 26, 2024

That woman

 Where she want went with her conclusions, she wanted a manicure that buy all to make the nails of the client of the most expensive and all being desposal and the manicure would 2 dolars, how much the person spent to be manicure 40 dolars and charge 2 dolars, and the other is she want be prostitute and buy a underware pants for 200 dolars and be disposal one prostitution the pants went put it away, and she want charge less than 50¢, what is the point and she thinks that is be rich, she had a special type of madness that thinks that the money would multiply like a chant? Ocidentals believe in rational things and not in things like you spent more than you receive you lost money, isn't the bolsa de valores, that you put 20 dolars and could win 2.000.000,00

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People are right

 He have PhD in putaria drink the blood of the father to walk of carrão-limusine.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Oh, you filthy man, it was nice to hear him

 Was a professor of school in the classroom, I pay attention in what he was saying about social classes, a besta selvagem, I thought hadn't he passed that time the poorness, see he was a rich guy he was a rofessor that received a lot to his classes he was type a star with a fat salary, the guy was rich but in his mouth richiness was a desease, I thought that the poorness could had in his life but had passed, everybody knew that he had a good high eucation high education, probably he wasn't a poor young man that study and work, complaining like he was he probably was a parasite drink the blood of a worker father that dreamed to have a grauated son, he was a parasite drink the blood of a worker to became that aberration a vampire professor, he explaning parasites, and he a high parasite! A poor worker being convinced and hipnotised for those things that only knows explore, he was a explorer, the first that he vampirise probably was his father, to don't have to work to maintain his studies a smart ass like he supposed show his own blood spilled, smart ass graduated with the right age and not with 30 years old like all the labour man that had to work to study, fake! Have proud is almost obscene.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I don't know about sect

 Once that I write I write about brotherhood, and not about sect.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This is a good question and is easy and fast of solve

 Paula wants to arrange a math book, a Portuguese book, an English book, a computer book and a geography book side by side on her bookshelf. Knowing that the math and Portuguese books should always be together, determine how many different ways Paula can arrange the books.

A) 48

B) 24

C) 12

D) 7

E) 5

Solution in that question we can use an artificiality:

I gonna considered the book of mathematic as one book but here we gonna remember that the mathematic book only could be near of the one of protuguese but it can be at the left or the right in order, so after find the result I gonna multiply by 2, easy like that and I gonna use to the solution the same formula for anagrams that I taught yesterday, 1- mathematic, Portuguese, 2 - English, 3 - information, 4 - geography. 

so we have 4 books because two only could be near each other 3 places, imagine you thinking that is the formula for two symbols that are the same and isn't thanks God I am here to explain to you,

    So we have the big book, the English, information, and geography that are 3 places and the multiplying the 4x3x2 = 12, but the book of mathematic need be near the one of Portuguese but can swap and be at left or right of the other so let's multiply by 2 that is 12x2 = 24.

Is better be intelligent than invent a formula doesn't you agree? And Rute if was 3 books no matter is a big book that in the end can swap the 3 places so you so in the end you gonna multiply the anagram by the big number-book-symbol-letter by it permutation that for 3 is 3x2x1 = 6, so is better than invent a formula is just think about.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Brutality she was prostitute she didn't understand me

 My marriage was since the begining FAKE! Had no reason to we make sex! Nobody can confess that married to be good in the pictures, as him he was homosexual and wanted be well in his carrier, make sex for friendship? This is an absurd, the marriage could even considered not celebrated, the intention wasn't marry, was be good in the picture, even two kids wasn't reason to anulate a marriage that never had sex, we had a agreement, is we never wanted tear the curtain, appear better had a common divorce, I could went to the court to explain that our intention wasn't a marriage, that we didn't coabitamos even for sometime, I was being good with him, I knew law.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I felt a glorious person

 I think be a mother or father is one important mission, when I lived in Russia I thought me glorious, when my husband asked me the ovules, I thought that got a vagabunda that is different of vadia to be important in the life of someone, vagabunda because I only thought in my needs, I want eat I went to the kitchen to make my food, I even take care of a cat, a human need all the care, and I was glorious because of about the clinique, I spent a fortune for each baby the other was very cheap and I spent a fortune to be sure even not being in my body that the babies was mine and of my husband, and my husband being friend of a man with a lot of enemies, nobody never even tried to got our kids to revenge of my husband or black mail him, for outside I could appear the more careless of the human but I did all to they be handsome, intelligent, brilliant, I read all the time the boletim of them, wanting they the most envy boys of all but liked and not hated, I spent rivers of money to their education be the best, to they have all that a boy of their age could have, I want they even elegant.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This question is good because you have practical cases

 Practical cases, are something that you can need in the daily

A salesperson receives a fixed monthly income of R$1,000.00 plus an additional 3% of the sales he makes during the month. What was this salesperson's income in the month that he sold R$8,000.00?

A) R$1.240,00

B) R$1.040,00

C) R$1.200,00

D) R$1.245,00

E) R$1.420,00



fixed income: 1,000.00

floating income: 3% on sales

current month's sales: 8,000.00

Total received in the month: fixed + floating = 1000.00 + 8000*0.03 = 1000.00 + 240 = 1,240.00

My parents said is important to make calculation in job write it to be understood for the superior, so you have to note the dates and make a calculation completely discriminate, and well named, you have to know give the name proper for each data, you can't let out or include things that aren't about the calculo, this was to be so important that would be a official redation, type why they don't ask that in concurses know do official calculation, to you give that and this be included in the documents of the files of the firm.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

My guide said me to plot a story based in a picture

Is that a professor of university after the 40, give up of be professor and started to be singer, is a horror story wait for the end, and he grow like a rocket being a singer, what was the mystery for a very well reputed professor with a brilliant carrear want be singer and grow very fast in the last career? The demon had talked with him and the career as singer was to talk better with the followers that the demon would sent.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Poor guy is mad

That pelada was so alone! See pelada that fat man is your problem, why? Because you are asking his help and you aren't remembering what you did to him. He was your grandson, and have some shit in the brains, he had the deep deseire of be a woman married with 6 years old and you convince he be that way for you, so God is caring that fat man don't be the cause of your salvation in the end of the world, he doesn't let have the forgiviness.

So Pelada he isn't goo of the coco, he live in the USA, pelada make a mission out of the body was a big mistake, he asked for a lot of people to got the medical examination of a very hated woman of case of 5 years ago, she today is very loved, he asked a lot of people to got that examination and people was afraid, I said she is nearby? No, dá aqui esse papel besta, what have there I was reading she probably went to a clinique to make examination, and in the end the examination passes by the hand of a doctor that the especialization is compare that with cathegories in the case women, and he make a diagnose, I was reading in a moment I got shocked and I went to read the top of the document to know of who was,he said that she had a very severe oestheoroporosys as a aged woman of 89 years old, I thought that had people of 50, 60 years old, 89 only could be very high, there was there patient the name of her, and the age 28 years old, she could had the examination of another woman in her papers, but was from hers, he asked to me if she would die I said no, she only a cangaceira a bandit if she broke the leg probably would be for the trash can, but die... probably not, see she can be the more boneless chicken of Americas, he was an actor, but see Peladona, I dream that in his movies the one that loses members is he, poor of who was his friend, realize he when got in his body forgot everything and thinks is she.

My guide said that I think passed a lot of years but, no was only 2 years, that happens to see if I forgot some things like that read that paper.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

That serve for anagrams, numbers and symbols, images

  Combination I gonna make the demonstration that serve for any number using for the example 3 and 4:

Is that when you do a anagram you can have all the letters diferent an you gonna have a table of nxn that is the number of the letters of the name, multiplied by itself, very easy is the table 3x3 and 4x4.
But if you have a name, or a sequency of numbers or symbols, that you want combine but with that had repeated numbers, letters or symbols, so you gonna do that,
you gonna place cells like that->
for each number is diferent  3x3    
So no matters how many letters have the same extension of the original, you count the number of diferent letters, numbers, symbols and subtract 1, is the number of cells
Now you count the extension of the name and you gonna fill the cells with the number and pass for the next cell subtracting one in the next number till you fill all the cells then you gonna got that numbers and multiply and you gonna have the result fro anagrams using letters, numbers or symbols for the anagram.
See the columns of the tables that I show are the numbers of the extension of the name, and the cells are the combinations that we can make according the number of diferent letters.
The colums had in the 1st place same the same number (letter)
and I gave diferent colours for couples of cells in the same column to you see that represent 3 possibilities and each shade is 2times 2 2times 3 2times 4, and the 2, 3 and 4 gonna be 2times because they would multiplied with the two possibles possibilities that are represented by the cross, so the cross are twice, is some cases 3 swapping place with the 4, so that table isn't only bidirectional but multidirectional, are represented there for the 4 becuase is the bigger the columns the 4 first possiblity multiplied by the change of shades inside each colum by the 3, and 3 that is the final X.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

In portuguese the solution previous article

 A questão é só leitura e representando o triangulo fica rápido resolve-la,

Se elas são lados pare e consecutivos eles serão x, x+2 e x+4

E o triângulo sendo retângulo ele tem um lado maior que é a hipotenusa que pode ser achado pela fórmula de pitágoras h² = x² + y²

Substituindo pelos lados fica: (x+4)² = x+(x+2)²

gabarito A

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One very short calculation solution just the graphic and one line

 The lengths of the sides of a right triangle are consecutive even integers.

The length of the smallest side of the triangle is x.

It is therefore CORRECT to say that an equation that can be used to find the value of x is:

A) x2 + (x + 2)2 = (x + 4)2

B) x + (x + 2) = (x + 4)

C) x2 = (x + 2)(x + 4)

D) x + 2 = x + (x + 1)

The begining of the solution:

An rectangle triangle with sides x, x+2 and x+4
One question that only demands reading and represetation if I at draw the triangle like is says all the sides are consecutives even numbers the triangle would be:
one side the smaller: x
the consecutive only could be x+2
and the hipotenusa, because is said is a rectangle triangle: x+4
so using the theorem of Pitagoras we gonna have:
(x+4)² = x²+(x+2)² <---- So is write only that line the rest is only explanation.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had phans still that night hour

 How to find the anti-function

Is that way the most easy way you call "Y" by "X" and call the "X" by "Y", and you try passes all the function for the other side to you have again the Y isolate of one side with all the function of the side of X

type that Y = 2x + 4 ---> X = 2Y + 4 ---> 2Y +4 = X ---> 2Y = X - 4 ---> Y = (X - 4)/2

So Y = (X- 4)/2 is the anti-function of Y = 2X + 4.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Not only have the module but Y²


Here we have not only the module of the squared root of X but also the function Y² = x, here all the 3 euqtions are the same values for X and Y in the first quadrant, the positions of the quadrants in the grid, and x and y axys are anti-clock wise an the first is where the X and Y are positives. I think the name is anti-function of Y = squart-root(X)
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

More about washed hands with contact lenses

 Think that way you just manicure your nails, the problem of not be washed being clean is that, you had failed the nails gonna have nail dust, you used acetone chemical, you used nail oil, more oil that is for cuticles in the lens and in your eyes, you had passes cream in the face, are still in your fingers, you pass body lotion worse in the fingers and in the hand palm you passes hand cream, gonna be that in your eyes if you are placing in your eyes, or you don't use the fingers tips? And all that cream, oil, acetone, nail dusty frictionating the lenses to clean and the lens getting foxy of the breauty treatment that you are giving on it, frictionaitng hand cream in the lenses, nobody knows what is going in your eyes. Or you was eating a hamburguer with mayonese ketchup, all that in the eye, I don't know but that doesn't appers just right.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

See the graphic represetation had this about combinatory

See the rachurado is the x², and this is to study, isn't easy to see because I place all the possilities 7 graphic, what the diferences
one is n*(n-1) and n*(n+1) comparisions
the other is n*(n-1)/2 and n*(n+1)/2
The professor kick my ass with that but see the X was based in values if I do that I am not resolving combinatory, that professor.
But had that for combinatory you can imagine that the part negative doesn't serve for combinatory.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


That a graphic can prove

 See asked for me if in the graphic 2 equations didn't touch each other, it does means that for the 2 euqtions doesn't have one solution, so the person present you a problem without solution hadn't any X that would have an validy Y, so the X axys we assume values and put in the equations and for some X would not have a Y validy type an 0 in the denominator, or X negatives for a squarred root.

Also have the equations type of 2nd grade that had the apice or the lowest in some cases the two graphics would not touches, what does means that hadn't a validy solution for the 2 equations they had solution but not calculate in reason of each other.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People asks me about my contact lenses

My newest contact lens box


With mirror, the contact lenses inner case, the silicon twezeers and plunger, and a little bottle.

An extra tweezers with the plunger in a case, and my eyedroppers, the right is for contact lens and the bottle of the left is for when I have any irritation.

The sequency that I use to clean me lenses is 1st in that eletric one that would be the friction in the palm of the hand of the lenses, and after any of the bottles that would be the part that the person have to wash to remove the first wash, 
I have very sensitive eyes sometimes I like to wash but just if the wash is to put in the eyes because if is to place in the contact lenses case is a stupidity, so if is wash to put in the eyes I use in that mechanicals ones soro fisiológico, the cleaning and store solution is a bit to saline for my eyes, but soro fisiológico is perfect for your body and eyes and not for contact lenses so is only to put in the eyes.

Another tip is becareful with the cleaning, have clean necessaire for the things of your eyes, and you can use a face or hand towel clean to place things of you gonna use for the lenses, that way you have a clean area or surface to deal with your contact lenses, also the solution didn't need to clean those things I show the instruction of the package is place each lens at time in the palm of the hand and frictionate with the solution it with the finger of the other hand and after hold with the fingers the lens and wash with the same solution and keep the lens in the cases with also the same solution, the soft lenses have to be maintain in solution and the solution serve to wash and preserve. Also have soro fisiológico to sale in small portions packs of 10 flaconetes is things that isn't good keep for a long time, you went to the pharmacy and buy when need. And of course all that with the hands washed.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What goes in that box

 Contact lens, the lens tweezers a napkin, and when I am using also my eyedropper.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This helps so much

Before that one I had one more expensive thermal printer but this is pretty helpful, had the advantage of the app to operate be inside the playstore, so is a actualization of software more clean without files with older versions that would consume space on the hardware of the smartphone, just for that!

This yellow paper is a common one that is for bater-ponto, is cheap and I find in stores that sales for office, the quality of print id because this paper isn't to good but I have a lot of temporary notes and for them works just fine, I also use to make grocery store list, and I can make a copy, and to do list for a day, an address that I need to take note and give for anyone, it do super wonderful to copy texts those I didn't type the app by the smartphone I take a photo of a text and print directly, and I also uses to share some internet site, I copy the site URL and in the own app of the printer I make a QR code and print and share that way, also serves to when I don't are with a address card to share my phone number, I don't do that often but even that works with. I also recommend use the better paper because is a much better print with good quality of image and text, had adhesive ones, colored ones. That paper have the dimensions of lateral the same asked for the printer but the box of the printer is smaller so I rip off a ribbon of one side with a good scissors is very easy and fast and also I cut the roll to be in a smaller diameter one big roll I made 3-4 smaller rolls.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


2 euqtions and 2 incognitos graphically


See that graphic I have two equations and 2 incognitos, see each equation draw one graphic that is a line because they are of 1st grade, all the two have a range of numbers but they intersect in one point soo seing the graphic I even don't need solve the question, the intersection is the value of x and y for the 2 equation the intersection is (1,6) meanins (x, y) so x = 1 and y = 6.
The diference of me and another I saw and realize without nobody say I saw and was convincing who was at my side, but if you want solve, go ahead.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So see the red part doesn't existed for the 2nd equation, but even that I could assever tha the imaginary number would be in the red part, that up is the module of the number, even this way the imaginary number could be in another part of the sheet, phans asked me why I call those equations, see they are equations the problem of the equations is that when we have 2 incognitos and two equations we gonna find theorically the numbers, but with one equation, but see if is a equation! with one equation and two ingognitos we gonna find a range of numbers.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Just because my phans asked

What are imaginary numbers, can sound funny but I think who invneted was a astrologist, the kind that work with sky observation but let's explain the number can be associate to groups we have the more simple the ones that count fingers and apples, the natural numbers: N

group N of the natural numbers:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

Also for some circunstances we can have that group less the "0", because for some groups we don't consider that could be empty, 0. We don't consider the negative numbers.

Group Z of the, group of positive integers:

...-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...

Group of Q, the group of rational numbers:

numbers that can be represented in fraction form, the periodic fraction type 0.666...

0.323232323... they are divisible by 9 or submultiple of 9 or 3.

Group of I, group of irrational numbers:

They are the part of the group real that is out of the rational, that are the

The numbers that are imperfect roots and infinite fractions when you divide an indivisible number by it like 120/7 on the calculator have an end because the screen is so big, and the root of 33, or the cube root of 2.

Group of the R, group of real numbers

R = I U Q;

And my phans asked what is the imaginary numbers the imaginary numbers are that the root (since be square root) are negative, why an astronomy scientist was thinking? So you got the roof of -16 you gonna have the imaginary number: 4i

That i is thay i² = -1.

Theorically where the imaginary numbers in a graphic? Out of the line, so all the results are the group for any X, but one imaginary number can't be in a line of a graphic.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That could became something useful

Like a jewelry box, you can put in small jewelry bags to don't got scratches, and also serve to keep  the eyebrows tweezers, to don't lose it to don't damage it.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


The graphic for the 3 functions-formulas of comb of 2 by several

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


My fans asked so

 The last table in the full is a 6x6 or any number is a square no matters the value of the side and without the combination for itself how we have a 6x6 table or perfect square we gonna have without the combination for itself less one row or line no matters what you subtract or you gonna have an 6x5 or a 5x6, so  no matters for multiplication is the same, so is a rectangular of n*(n-1).

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Representated in a table the 3 kinds of combinations of 2


The table when the order of the elements aren't important and the second when the order of the elements are important
So we have 3 possibilities:
1 - I that is the 1st table the two doesn't accet combination by istself and the order isn't important so 1-2 and 2-1 are the same type candidates for president but if I sai that wasn't a tie and have the best colocated and the second, but if isn't the case is the 1st table.
2 - Possibility is the order matters but one can match with itself so we gonna have the 2nd table without the yellow cross line.
3 - The elements can be repeated so 1 can be combined with one
We gonna have that combinations for that elements 
Where n is the number of elements:
n*(n-1)/2 when the number can be combined by itself an when the order no matters and 1-2 is equal 2-1
n*(n-1) when the order is important and 1-2 is diferent than 2-1
n*n and now is the complete "putaria" the number can combine with itself and the order matters
But this are combinations for 2 so how many possibles ways I can combine 2 candidates, how can 2 teams of sports, had other combinations.
And now who can save us, is the reading of the text of the mathematical problem that you gonna see what is the formula to use.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I saw that

 When I was baby, I think is mathematics, other person can see binary for combinations of DNA, I really didn't though was a sum but an combination

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, September 23, 2024

We only can talk with friends because they understand that we aren't being evil

 I had in school a friend that got the menopause when was teenager, she was very revolted want to got inteligent but she was revolted that I said that people don't got inteligent of the day to the night, or they are stupid people have to study, say that is a genius and try resolve things when doesn't aren't really getting right is what is common, people make the thing got worse and thinks that fixed, imagine you destroying things that are fixing them, nothing come just why you want you stop in the middle of the time and think that got smarter because you want, want isn't only want is study, so you want you work for it, even be a baker or cooker have courses for them, everybody wants and don't have because isn't only want.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I abandom my thesys because only could be in the field of economy

 I wanted that was for human geography, I was thinking that database that changes in graphics of 20 years of comparation, wasn't that but take that exemple, in a primitive society, people lived 30 years and one lived 50 years, in 200 years people passed to live 50 years.

And was fenomeno, effect, and recorrent, recorrent was a number that could make a person got mistaken, the recorrent even are the phenomenon or the effect, and I woyld find in half life of the experiment.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

My mother made a course of fashion in the senac

 Moda by my mother is from France hadn't for instance in England at the time, they rich people copy the king, mode was the king passes and all the had turn, was follow the leader, people of France copy what the king and his wife dresses, so wasn't only the royalty, in England probably that Queen of that curly hair was copy, but and the French King Luis 15, is a shoe cm used even today for high heels was a French king that invented. So wasn't a dare dresses like the royal family in the beginning in France. So one would multiply, had to have the original, everybody dressing animal sking becuase the are primitives aren't moda, probably had the inventor.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ok in my school m.d.c. and m.m.c is gaved for 5 years old kids

 See the package of fruits wasn't the way they ask today in contest today is how much fruits you can put in baskets separted even for categories, but at the time was each basket have to have the same number of diferent fruits like all 5 apples, 4 pears, 3 avocados. I came to a irredutivel number, I was still studing how to solve that, and was that 16, 16, 16, 16, 15 so see that all they where equal but had the discrepancia, everyboy be 16 but just one be 15, can really I put 16 baskets but one missing one fruit? So 15 is the number discrepante, never nobody taught me in my school moda, what value have a moda of 20 numbers onle 2 are equal? Was important in the problem I receive to solve in school. Less of one third could be a moda? 2 numbers that appear be moda coulc be the discrepantes if the are all bigger than 1000 and two are smaller than 100? Even they be recorrent they are the discrepantes, that even serve to solve some questions of Q.I. I did that test, my mother hatted she said trainnign make she got a good result, she studied for a book for that test. The book is from USA so there the QI test was considered that show education, instrução.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, September 22, 2024

One intricate question solution with justification

 There are two different jars in Marieta's kitchen. When empty, one weighs 360 g and the other 520 g. Marieta distributed 1 kg of beans between these pots so that their weights were equal.

The amount of beans put into the heavier pot was

A) 420 g.

B) 440 g.

C) 460 g.

D) 480 g

E) 500 g.

I saw the solutions was all the 2 diferent of my solution, and I gonna justifiy to be comprehensive:

The jar A= 360g

The jar B = 520g

The diference of weight of jars A and B is B - A = 520 - 360 = 160, so I know that one to be with the same weight of the other I need that the other have 160g more, think that way the jars are ampty and if I put 160 in A they gonna have the same weight so the 1st part of the problem is solved

2nd part of the problem how to know what went to a jar and other solving

A = B + 160, is that way A with more 160g have the same weight of the B

ATENTION I don't gonna use the weight of the jars but only the diferences of the jars, would notice if I didn't said? So I don't gonna sum the weight of the jars I gonna use only the diferences of the jars like one jar weight 0

so A + B = 1000 So the 1Kg gonna be divided among the 2 jars, replacing the equation of the 1st part:

B + B + 160 = 1000g ---> 2A = 1000 - 160 ---> B = 420g

and picking A = B + 160 ---> A = 580g

Let's test if is that right weight of A:360g+580g of beans = 940g

                                                      B:520g+420 = 940

Confirmed is correct. So the quantity in the havier jar is 420g of beans

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Another question justification a short solution but hard of do

 Is type is hard but is already end? To the question:

A water pump fills a reservoir in 4 hours and another pump takes 8 hours to fill the same reservoir. In how many minutes will the two pumps together fill the reservoir?

A) 160 minutes.

B) 120 minutes.

C) 340 minutes.

D) 456 minutes.

E) 234 minutes.

Justification, let's went to phylosophie and is that we have to tanks one in Germany with 80liters of capacity and other in USA with 120liters of capacity, and there in Germany but the pumps in Germany fill in 4 hours and 8 hours the tank, and in the USA other 2 pumps fill the tank also in 4 hours and 8 hours and the capacity is completely diferent, when I resolve that for the 1st time I explain for the professor that the capacity or volumen of the tank was irrelevant, and could be solved using the flow, my brain is type simplify, I think that solution of the site is a old one of the USA, is right but was a genius of USA, of so famous is very laborious, and my solution is more easy, so the Ameraaican was considered a genius because he solved so to the philosophy...

So where is irrelevant is the vazão - flow that is the velocity that is the volum of water by time, when you have a machine that counts in the instantaly you make pratically an vertical incision in the pipe, and had a disk that can measure the quantity of water passed by the disk in that 1-1second becuase is instantanly after sometime I gonna explain the instantaly velocity is the velocimeter of the car.

Now that you know what is flow the represetaion:

in Phisics if two grandities had the same letter, type velocity and volume, velocity is liter/minutes and volume is liters, the more complex is the velocity so the letter is capital "V", and the volume is small "v".

When we are calculating the same grandities but of diferent things, the grandity would represent with a very small letter of the thing like that pump A and pump B is VA and VB .

But also we can use for grandities that had the same first letter an diferent letter, so I gonna use that method.

I can use a letter for volume of the tang like Q or use 80liters, small numbers is to make easier the calculations I gonna show the 2 to you see that all work and is alway a small calculation.

A draw to make you happy I did myself in the paint.

1st of resolution, the volume of tank is the Q - so the 1st formula is Velocity = volum/time:

VA = Q/4   ---> The velocity of the water entering in the tank for the 1st pump is the volum Q divided by the time 4 hours.
VB = Q/8   ---> The velocity of the water entering in the tank for the 2nd pump is volum Q divided by the time 8 hours.
The velocity that I want is of the 2 pumps working together filling the tank that I will call VAB, if I was writing I would draw a line in the top of the AB

In mathematical idealizations I could say to you that is a ideal pump that flows all that water is just some artificialism that we can use to create ideals situations

VAB to solve is very wordy so pay attention to it in 8 hours of course this isn't the time for the tank but for the velocity so I am calculating the velocity, see if I didn't explaim you would agree with me but you would not know what I did so the velocity of the 2 pumps is in 8 hours and not in one hour is:

in 8 hour the pump A gonna throw 2 times the tank and the pump B one time so gonna be 3 times the tank, if I didn't explain do you know what I gonna just do?

VAB = 2Q+Q/8   ---> VAB = 3Q/8 and know that I had the velocity of my ideal pump or the 2 pumps, let's solve it:

V = v/t   ---> 3Q/8 = Q/t  Velocity is 3Q/8 and the other side of equittity is volume of the tank over the time I had the velocity and the volum is Q I want to know the time, so multiplying crossed the two equititties we gonna have:

but 1st one simplfication we can cancel the Q : 3Q/8 = Q/t  t = 8H/3

Transforming that to minutes is hours becuase was the grandity of the begining the tanks are filled in hours so the result is in hours becuase I didn't change the grandity and I gonna do that and 8x60/3 = 160.

Finished_____________2nd way________________

volume I gonna give a volume becuase Isaid in Germany is 80liters an in USA is 1200liters so the volum is irrelevant before the end of the calculation it would be cancelled rip off of the the solution that is important because if isn't irrelevant the question was bad constructed and hadn't validy solution.

So the volum being 80l:

VA = 80/4   ---> VA = 20L/h.   Here in one hour was pumped 20 liters

VB = 80/8   --->VB = 10L/h    Here in one hour was pumped 10 liters

So the VAB = volume that is pumped in 1 that is ---> VAB = 10+20   ---> VAB = 30(L/h)

So velocity of VAB is 30 liters each hour in right hand of the equality is the volum of 80 over the time that what I want discover: VAB = volum/t ---> 30L/h = 80L/t ---> t = 8/3 hour we reach the same result and know only transform in minutes that is 160 minutes and is finished.

Solve the problem is very short long is do it justifying. And for sure the rationalization isn't easy but the calculation.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, September 21, 2024

People still want to know about my marriage

 About the friend of my groom, in another incarnation, he arrive in the city more than a week before the marriage, and he was sleeping in the plaza in front of the church, I said to my groom defend that guy is mad, of course I was from Africa we choose a city in Europe that had hotels and beautiful church, to came our inviteds, we passes of charret in front the church and my groom laught to see him, cars wasn't sold in factories we sent to do and wait months, had stores to sale charrets, I was only thinking in the custom of the closest friends of groom hold the bride that guy probably would be stinking, I just didn't said to him went to a hotel sleep in a bedroom, take a bath that is civilized because he came from the Country of the most conceited men on the planet, they think theirselves unrestible and they were very resistibles, say civilized for someone of that city to listen something like I would wait you! One girl that was my friend was in a place that singles used to be and one guy of his country started to laught of her side she answer to him that he was alone in the party. Even rain and my groom rent a charrete with cover just to see if he was still in the plaza and there he was.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Came in the mailling

 That crocodile or aligator, what exactly is a soul is the most regression than a soul can do, who said said that are Jew.

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Could have that question

 Type in a excursion all the ages are in P.A. but taking 4 persons out of the estatistic the remains are in P.G.

And the moda is that age, and the media is that, and so long.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Of course economy is dinamic

 But like phisics if don't have the static that is inside the experiment isolate by the exterior facts the coeficients changed we don't have the original state, like a stoped body tends remains stoped, a body in moviment tends to remanis in moviment but the atrit stops it the gravity stops the ball of rise, in the space is diferent, have air, have gravity, have the atrit, have what powers influencing the moviment.

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 I could even notice that the wconomy didn't notice but my factory was suffer by effects of economic inflations, or the datas would remais the same.

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People asked

 Type in 20 years the industry got modernized, and the machines make the industry oesn't hide more workers for the simple work, but ones that knows work with technology, and if I notice that weighted media was worse, I gonna notice that with less tech emplyees the firm was better, that the macines didn't make a richer person.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Average values, average of how much you earn in that company

Simple arithmetic mean, weighted mean, median mean.

One if you say arithmetic no have to where go because arithmetic I just afirmed that you make arithmetic that is sum, and if I say media don't where to go that I am saying that is the place in the middle, how I can got that without divided by the number of elemets sum? and Median in my mind could even be called media if I don't say is arithmetic but people like to put the diferent name and ponerada - average or wheighted. But why have the simple what the meaning of something be courred 15 times and I just sum once? An exemple.

In a firm had 5 cathegories of workers, with 5 levels of salary, really don't have a reason to make the weighted media of the salaries, type the majority is the lower level of salary, see also I could even being in the 1st day of the firm and have no workers and cause that I even don't have even a number of workers to make a media but I could have a simple media of the salaries, why people would like know? Type for that you want to work there you aren't interest in know the weighted media of salaries, but you want to know how much earn an ideal worker, see isn't real, but I want to know the idealzation, an ideal work earns how much? The weighted media is good also for that you have the weighted media and one day, nothing drastic happens you can use that to see how much the company payed that years if you know how much workers work there, and is even good, because you use that information that you discover 20 years before and compare with what the company pay today, got low, mystery what happens, got higher what happens, you can use directly compring the two weighted médiad but you can use one weighted media to multiply in the diferent context, to see if had changed, so changed in those years the company in incomes grow or decrease?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I had a thesys

 When I lived in Russia in the day of my first marriage, my groom thought that I was serpent, and said about his friend that was doing a show, but everything was more for him, had nothing about us, I said to him let he had talent, I meaned that he had talent to got fucked and didn't need the help of nobody that the talent did he make that with perfection, so my thesys was that shame make people got blind and forgetful of last events, I said to him that went in the church in the middle of the ceremony after we got in the church that he got confused and that are the couple of the next day that he got mistake about the day, he apologized a thousand times and got out of the church walk backwards, when he got out of the church he probably realise that was me, my voice was very dieferent, two with my same voice... He run back for inner the church and jump only don't grab me because was the people to hold him, and other that would to hold my hand and didn't liked me, he pretend a faith to fall in my arms I punch him and he fall for the other side.

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