Monday, September 16, 2024

So you say th eright name

 A greedy, lying, stingy man who needed an instant glory so he wouldn't die and took on a job that was dangerous for his soul, either that or something worse.

Is that why the guide doesn't say direct for yo uor anybody what they asks? What is irrogar pragas aos céus? What is abominações that the CAtholic Church talked?

You know how inspired people works? They forgot part of the message, so they uses a recorder of K-7, and they ditated to write after, I am of the same way don't have a huge memory to remember a inspiration, so if people talk infinitely with me I forgot!

So the question what is salão de ossos - bones room. Is a woman that he born pregnant, remove the uterus, because that was used so much for sex that she call that vagina, the doctor remove so well that in an examination people see her bones, but she find the perfect woman, the señorita, and is the man of the eseñorita, she uses her fat ass on the señorita, so the señorita after 10 years of prostituttion was a vorgenfor the bones room, thebones room had all that years of sex with the señorita, the bones room sayis for the señorita that the balls was emasculated.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Even that people asks

 What is a number 0300 in the beginning of a phone number, that is from a call center is the active call center?

A 0800 that is a call center but the passive, they receive calls, and isn't charged.

A 0500 another passive call center but is charged you pay for the call.

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More one Christian storical story

 The last days of Pompei that happens 79 years after the birth of Jesus, had a lot of converter to the Catholicism.

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Another book

 The Anno Domini.

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The Holy robe

 Also is historical and I think is of the same time, are stores that tell the story of the 1st Saint the mártir of the fé, and Saint Peter.

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Quo Vadis

 That means what the way, is the story of the persecution against the 1st Christians after the death of Jesus, that they were carried to Arenas to be eaten by lions, and is there that Saint Peter was getting out of Rome with a young boy and he thoughts and return to Rome, and the story ends there, the Imperor that persecute the 1st Christians is Nero the mad person that put fire on Rome. Of the time of birth of Jesus was the king of Judeia the king Herode, who degolate Jonh Baptist and the storic Dalila, was she there?

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Vixe she is the demon the velha peidona

 A cross upside down is the cross of Saint Peter.

He was crucified old and said that he didn't deserve the owner of be crucified as Jesus and they put he in the cross and put it upside down.

Just is know by the Catholic church just isn't in the Bible the death of Peter. Had even a theory that his cross is like a X.

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Well think

 That cloth covering the legs means he is of triple type one Jew tribe, old thing, what means?

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The solution beguns with the reading because

 Read is understand what the person are explaning for you, if you read bad you never gonna solve, one question that didn't acquive solve was the global reading I understand that it was saying about the time that the traffic the light was yellow, becuase of what was the regressive the quesiton was mentioning and was one paragraph that I read to fast and I idn't read a second time was a long text, I read once, and try remember, and I didn't remember one part that I read to fast. In the past in my school the professor used to say that for a good comprehesion fo the text we need read 3 times, today a lot of question with a short time is only once with a lot of attention.

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I was thinking about a question in the site about mathematic

 The question is so easy that I think that the problem of nobody care to solve, that to solve is need before the ratiocination the reading and understanding, could be that is missing the reading?

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This helps make a conviction

 About probablities is that have who have doubt about the all the possibilities of a raffle is 1, people sum is another thing but multiply two fraction that are smaller than one, between 0 and one, if the two are smaller than one never could separate 1, unless you aren't multiply for number that are between 0 and 1, is that something that is 0,9*0,999999999 never gonna surpass 1, type 1x1 = 1, so imagine the bigger is something near 1. They can be big but they are big holes.

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One person that was base for action figurine was saying about him

 Even that I publish, people asked if he was type machine he asked me to say that he saw how he would be in future and inspire a person he would have weak arms and that is type something that involve his arms, is a machine and probably he is missing something like tendons? And he just like to exercise an for that had all that musculature.

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Another short resolution question

 In a cross-country race, runner A is 3 km ahead of runner B. However, while runner A runs 4.5 km, runner B runs 6 km. How far does runner B have to run to catch up with runner A?

A) 9

B) 12

C) 3

D) 21

So we have the formula that works with time and space an is S= S0 + Vt or even that V = ΔS/t, but we gonna use the 1st

Considerations about the solutions, I want the the solution that SA = SB; I make a simplification they diddn't give the velocity but let's think no matters what is the grandeza of the time the time will deleted so think no matters if the A runs one Km each century the B will run in the same at century, the differences is that they will be encounter in a particular distance no matters if this takes seconds or millenius, is the lowest run of the world they walk a meter each 100 years, no matters if takes 300 years or 5 seconds they will encounter 12km after, Ok?
So we using the equations we need a incognita and the only thing we gonna find is the time that is 2 but this is case 2 years? 2 minutes? 2000 years?
So: 3 + 4,5t = 6t -> 6t - 4,5t = 3 ->t = 2  no matters what is 2
And know I have the 2 equations wich I gonna choose, of course the one that the answer is direct the SB
SB = 6 x 2 -> SB = 12Km
So B runs 12Km in 400 years 2 hours, in milliseconds to encounter A
So no matters in how much time, they will encounter 12Km for B and 12-3 for A.
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How they collect the facts to that question my version

 The guy had a clock watch in the wrist, remember of see the hours in that moment, or in other case he was looking the watch when the train got in the bridge and he notice, he runs and in a minute before he jumps in the river he had a hammer in the hand and hit the clock in the exactly minute, but he wasn't brillhinat and calculate his velocity, and wanted of the train, if he could calculate his he could calculate of the train.

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I like dreams that are the numbers of the loto

 Me and my weird dreams I dream that something broke returns to work.

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A fast and easy question just is like a snap

 One genius said that geniality is a snap, you read about phrases and personalities is one of the things that I give value, is like music art, visit galleries, museums, theatres, and read about personalities that mark the Era. So think about something be easy, snap means geniality that, isn't easy for a common person when a genius explain everything came easy before is hard, geniality is do the same faster, better, inovting.

A man has to cross a train bridge on foot. After walking 1/3 of the length of the bridge, he sees a train coming towards him. Running both forwards and backwards at the same speed of 15 km/h, he manages to escape at the last moment before being crushed by the train. The speed of the train is?

A) 45 km/h

B) 60 km/h

C) 15 km/h

D) 30 km/h

For the solution you conclude with me is the man got save by hair string, so the time of the man and train is the same and the distance of the man if S of the train is 3S, why 3S because to practically reach the man the man was in 1/3 of the bridge running int the same direction and sentido of the train but the train gonna make all the bridge the 1/3 of the space that the man run and the 2/3 of distance that had between the 2.

so to the solution:

Vm = S/t and I already know that Vm = 15Kh/h

and for the train the Vt = 3S/t

So lets explicitly     Vt = 3 (S/t)

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

One perplexity for that question

 With that equation y = x² - (x - 1)²; no matters the value for the y we gonna end on that:

x² - x² + 2x - 1 = y; 2x - 1 = y; so if you asks for a y like 31 the sum of one number squared less the nest number squared would be always equal to the sum of the 2 numbers so x + (x - 1) = x² - (x - 1)²; so I even need calculation is the same number is 11 so the sum is 11, if was 307 so the sum would be 307, but of course is a rule that is excessive decorate, is just a property, but is a equation very simple.

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Aquestion that had many ways to solve

 Two positive natural numbers are such that the difference of their squares is 11. The sum of these two numbers is:

This question is interesting need method to solve fast and simple an small work.

We see that 11 isn't a big diference so probably is a number under 10 all the number squarred, so the Universe to work is small, ploting a method I gona investigate the number that are next, so quest need planning, you aren't the most trained but you gonna be the most efficient, because you have method, planejamento so here is to see if you are pratical,

2²-1² = 1 very small

9² - 8² = 81 - 64 = 17

6² - 5² = 36 - 25 = 11

If I make some more I gonna see that gonna jump of 2 numbers, type the diference would be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, so is even passive of formula

y = x² - (x-1)²

After I gonna make sure that isn't possible for other combinaations, but for the question even have other solution the question didn't limited, so the solution is finished I only want to see:

5² - 4² = 9; 25 - 9 = 16, had already blow for 5;

4² - 3² = 16 - 9 = 7; 16 - 4 = 12, already blow for 4;

3² - 2² = 5; 9 - 1 = 8 blow for 3;

But have this consideration is a first degree equation, that qe can put in the geogebra and see that:

So this is the graphic and is wanted where the difference is 11, 

int the end you can change all that conclusion for that x² - (x² - 1) = 11; that is x² - x² + 2x - 1 = 11; and look that laziness 2x - 1 = 11 is equal to x + (x - 1) = 11, but only if you notice that I used like x = x and like y = x -1, what would be wrong? if was x + (x + 1) = 11.

And here seeing why a number that is the neighbour of the neighbour and is because would not be a natural number, but also if have two answer that are correct and is asked only one any one fits Ok.
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I am not vice in game

 This I would not do, I genius say to me that in a raffle that the prize is 5000 dollars, if I bought tickets speting 3000 dollars in a lot of tickets my chances are 80%, and the 20%? I Spent all that money to even lose because had 20% of chances of lose! Have those gamblers, sometimes I say that people that like gamble supposes to bet in horses, are 13 horses? Is that the horses are classifieds ass the chances of they win so the pangaré you would receive 13 times what you bet? And poker the fact is people play bad and the values are high.

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Not dumb but mad

 A person asked and if I double my chances, gonna be 2? Let me say you buy a lotery ticket you double your chances, type you had the chance1:1.0000.0000.000.000, and you passes to have the chance 1:500.000.000.000, so where we gonna? But you can be a vampire killing everybody that went to the loterica to make game.

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Something that chances that change the probalities

 Hipotetically in a laboratory for rabbits is used statistic and probalities, but happens something one group of couples of rabbits of such DNA is older and the probabilities in the more old population is lower like at 6 births 4 is of the younger couples.

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Sponsor for that article he asked me to say about probablities

 Of course this hadn't valididty for the article before because I saw the solution and was considered groups, the solution was that that I show so to probalities.

So the Universe group only could be one if not one had other possibilities, or was considered that the coin would not be thrown, so in that I can see that had others possibilities or the the P(AUB) = 1.

If we can have the two, I could think that is a event that is thrown twice, or type one thing that need two all the time, like the birth of a kid of certain parents, the DNA would always 2, and if is AA, Aa, aA, aa, but also I can think in bigger group the births of rabbits and no matters in each couple, had a rabbit very fancy that is one with name like a more expensive rodent the chinchilla, and for this I would consider all the DNA that had in the population, another interesting example, and we were thinking in possibilities in the field of stars? I know that we only have a closed field of probalbitites but an experiment can run very wrong! And happens an event that wasn't programed, but of course isn't used to make a conviction but if we are talking of a laboratory in Italy of more than 600 years, there probably have all the time that the eperiemnt went wrong so they have the statistic for event null, also if we have only 2 events the intersection is the sum an never this could pass 1, is different than multiply, multiply is one event after the other, the sum is type what the chances of 1 o2 happens and I only could have those results. And think that way how many years is need for the event null happens type 200 years?

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A premise can turn into a lie


Consider two events A and B in a sample space, where P(X) is the probability of an event X occurring. It is known that: P( A ∪ B ) = 0.8; P( A ∩ B) = 0.7; and P(A) = 0.6. What is the probability of B occurring?

A) 0,45

B) 0,55

C) 0,75

D) 0,85

E) 0,90

Who solved do that way: P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A∩B) But 

But say the yellow part could be 0,9 bigger than the conjunto Universe? You know why you gonna got to that absurd, is even imoral becuase the pink area is negative, where probalities are pure mathemaitcs to you act like that? Ham I think was descuido, and that was a test to people got a public work in Brazil.
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Sometimes the truth is unbelievable

 God in tha tmomets like to say a lie, because He never liked to explain a hard to believe truth, and there came something like a dogma? So He say to lie, for me dogma is like a pillar isn't to destroy,one God was wake up and a dogma was raise, so let it be there, isn't be who doubt, I think that doubt of God is eternal prostitution and in the end death so for me a obelisc isn't worse than doubt of God. What the name of the lies of God? In my mind nobody doubt of God and live for it, in my min in this minute God is the Universe and kills, just that! So if He is the Universe imagine everybody in Earth, I am wrong? So why that guide with the name Andre in the minute that God was everybody got the prostitute daughter and make her make sex with his friends to talk with God to aske if the mouth of God was in the pussy of the girl that was be raped for a group of men? Sometimes I think that he didn't respect God an says those violences righ in His face, see he was already punished, when the person is raped and had the memory erased loses all the love for God, He tried kill me and I even that way don't hate him, the violence of God is rape.

So up there was 6000 of people that today hadn't memory, had the most prostitute woman, but what was the other part of God plan, He can't make her even a bit less prostitute, He would climb an say the most prostitute soul of humanity is and say another name,  what happens the person pass hours being prostitute by women, so if is a 3 minutes, can a person in the this 3 minutes surpas the owner of the place? Because would be all the time of rape, the most prostitute place didn't was with everybody but with a lot of women, she today is sister of who was the 1st place of Americas that was a woman that was woman of other womne but she didn't did all the Americas, in Europe she was Ok because people there didn't knew that in few lives in Americas she was the 1st place, the problem of the rest of the planet is becuase in the rest of the world everybody had born man, just some is few births. The part umbeliavable was that Go said that in the end He would be parindo to nobody blame Him, so if a person look for God would find Him delivering, people are righ He is powerful He didn't be all days parindo with His power make people find Him only in that day, good idea is that the genius that help him was mediocre, He would better deciding in place of give that for that pretensious person, I don't call tha thting this or that because I notice that God call man who He like being that lie or not.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, September 13, 2024

Exemplification about cake and the baking surface


squem of cakes being baking 3 pans and only one pan
Also had the fact that we have the triple of dough in a pan, here we can see that we gona have a huge loss of surface of baking, in the laterals probably the influences is very higher than the middle, is less 4 bases of baking.
Also we here we care vey much to colour of the cake, is type you gonna have a tick croast of over bake cake, see is that to bake the middle that is raw we gonna have to over bake the surface, that influences in the result like taste, color, to dark is even ugly that we need to scrap to in the frosting we don't see a very dark croast, and sticking a tooth pick are you sure you don't need stick till the middle? So the lateral if over baked is even dry. Is a lower value result is a cake with a over bake lateral, dry, dark, with residual taste.
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Law is good and also permits the empiric

 So I can't for the direito sell a field that is 0m² could 1m², but I can got to the absurd, have a limit for a person be a fahter type nbody can be father of 2000 persons? But can I write a law that explain a number that is an absurd for paternity? But something is the direito - right and other is the law of a country.

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I say the stupi story but I would not give my opnion

 What people listen that don't want tell that story, so stupid that the humanity supposes forgot, but how th ewoman could be fat if she was poor? Is about a woman that had 2 theories about be thin, htat guide is so tupid, so one of the theories was that is she eat trash she can't be fat, trash is costloos so is tha the reason she was fat? So she eat trash an even then ws fat and one day a old woman with pitty of the poor woman that eat trash and was fat put the woman inside her home to she eat food, but she stupid and evil as she was and fat got all the food of the old woman put in the table and eat a small part and put all the rest in the trash becuase he part that was thru in the trash was much bigger than the part she eat, so she would got thin, isn't a stupidity do that with a old woman that helps her, and she today listen that about waste and make her mother eat the peel of the vegetables and fruits but, when her mother isn't seeing she thru good food in the trash becuase in her theory that would make her thin. Can someone had a opnion even if that was true what would be the size of the sin?

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For Greecy ancient is the pure mathematic

 Didn't I used a absurd to calculate for printers? Where is possible a draw of the size of Earth?

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And was isn't the answer?

 Consider the sets:

A= { n, n ∈ N, n is prime }

B = { p, p ∈ N, perfect square foot }

How many elements are there in A ∩ B?

The answer is 0 but so:

Isn't 1x1 squared and prime? Doesn't 1m² exist? See for me even 0 works is that the mathematic field isn't real but a abstract concept, and in the Univeerse can exits what doesn't exists in Earth, see even Einstein had a theory that the space could be negative.

I study more and mathematic is used for the world but all his concepts are abstract so mathematic and real words fits but aren't the same so 0 exist for mathematic, isn't impossible a 0m² is just no sense for the real world, but mathematics aren't the real, world I think that I read Greek. This is empírico.

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Solvinga question with first philosophy

 The 1st time I solve that question in school I used philosophy, was that 2 machines that print invitations, the philosophy is the question didn't gave how much was the quantity of invitations, and I tegibundei, was thinking how make it, tegibundar is to resolve something passes for incredible human thoughts like geography and anciet history, and is the drawer, I notice that no matters for the solution in the drawer had the invitations of the all humanity or one invitation, so could be a number bigger like the distance of our galaxy to the most far galaxy, so I only put a big number that the first digit is divisible by the two times, and the rest was 3 zeros, could be the most fast machine of the galaxy or the most slower, to solve the question all works. So the printer A prints all the invitations in 2hours and the B printer prints in 3 hours, so I sai A prints 6000invitations in 2hrs, and B prints 6000 invitations in 3hrs.

In the end velocity, more one philosophy nobody taught that velocity wasn't only for space, but I need a formula so there is go the formula is the velocity of impressão, for one is A: V=3000inv/H; B: V=2000/H;

Another tegiversation, I don't gonna make a media, I gonna sum direct, but this wasn't without thinking I think why is just sum, 

With the 2 prints working after one hour what is print? one gonna print 2000 and the other 3000, so I conclude that is 5000 invitations each hour, but see that I thought about and philosophically I discover that is 5000.

So in the end I have the final velocity that is V=5000inv/H and the quantity of invitations is what I said from the beginning 6000 invitations, and I want to know the time. V=inv/time;

5000 = 6000/X; But the case is that they want in minutes, and the velocity is in minutes but where is hour you can replace by it's value by itself multiplies by 60 and change grandity H by min.

T = 6000x60/5000= 72minutes.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, September 12, 2024

What happens with that people

 Are scanals women that were used and when listen the lie that were respect passed act like were mad, my guide visit them in their homes and some before listen the lie were depressive others violent and after listen the lie passed to like who really offend them and be violent with people that did nothing to them, wanting be the strong man of the old prostitute that make this act violence against them, don't make sense passes for this probably they are in scandal a kind of hysteria, that could fear, scream, laughthing, think that is the delegado do mundo, that is the dama de ouro, that is the owner of the souls, all that stupidity came in the mailing, is live in the lie. You know why they offend people? Because those people aren't like me or you, I have a life you have a life, I went to school, I knew people personally, I went to a University, I lived with the others, so me and you know that had consequences offend people, me and you know that we can suffer violence, they doesn't, they don't have a body, their body wasn used with damnation, they are all that and in the lowest, people that had dignity when born and child would never risk the good fame, they probably born pregnant and had ridiculous violent act of sex to got pregnant, my guide said that some got pregnant because was used by a woman with man cum in the vagina.

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You know what my guide said?

 That this brutal monster close the eyes when the bigger monster got in the bedroom, to say to herself that isn't the bigger monster is the father, and they think that is for miracle that they aren't be used for the person that enter in the bedroom, and a prostitute like that came to offend me, but is a person that in her head is consummated for a man no matters if she see the older woman got in the bedroom, because had a miracle, she is there in a terreiro to make what is evil but when she return home the old woman lie on top of her make sex with her but she are sure that the promess of the not-16-years-boy is true, can you believe that exists that miracle, she see a old woman, just because she closes the eyes! Jump deep but is who? Open the people at distance only could be because she was so unfair that in place of the old woman die gonna be she, she would die and this is justice, uma fé louca assim.

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Listen that woman that say herself a boy of 16 years old

 And conclude that if what she just said be truth that your enemy make with the grandmother, even that is a lie, and you aren't save, because can this be true and the rest, so she lie about all your salvation and raped for the women of your house is you, go listen and you are raped and all that women aren't prostitutes, because all the time the good that she promess is a deny of something that promess. So to you was enough listen that your enemy was that raped? So all the justice that you gonna receive is be raped and people lie to you, imagine you in the future looking for all that monster saying thankyou because you are fooled.

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What is the good of result of answer questio diferents with same solutions

 Isn't only the training to resolve right, but how mt grandmother used to say to make firm the conviction, with more questions the person got more sure is right because how my mother used to say that do and see the result is the eloquence of the certain that is with resolve and see it solved, you read about mathematic but you don't have something with only the reading the conviction and work the result make eloquent the learning, also that work for life, the eloquence of see that what people taught to us really is the reality, because people can taught us something and don't be right.

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A diferent mathematical question

 64 kg of feed are needed to feed 20 dogs for 16 days. The total amount of feed needed to feed 24 dogs for 15 days would be:

A) 72 kg

B) 32 kg

C) 84 kg

D) 56 kg

Had the right proportional and the inversely proportional, but still making like a equity, in school when child I learn using right and inversely proportional, but this way we tink:

Of one side we have consequences and of the other results, if not, so let say I am saying that 20 dogs in 16 days eat 64kg, so consequence is consume of one side and what erodes of the other side, this way appear even that is easy so is:

20dogs x 16days = 64kg

and I want to know: 24dogs x 15 = X, rule of 3 multiplying in cross simplifying we have: 72kg.

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How ugly is that old bearded woman?

 After the coronaravirus appear a lot of people in the internet came in my mailing and now I felt that want answer, I have problems but not of that barbudona, really I thought was a man, she is a woman and dare of represent her self as a man, just because at distance who would at least know if a woman or a man, so come in my mailing an question that came of that lesbian, the answer isn't true, my family don't make those things to me, is only with her, my guide said is the punishment for be so lesbian, she is so lesbian than his grandmother make sex with her, she is insane of thing that happens with normal good people like me.

People don't listen that thin woman, she is only thin because the uses special effect to it, she want people to eat because in the future when you got hopeless fat would came the rape, gonna came an old woman relative to molest the fat younger relative till the person stops eat or eat from the trash can, because isn't digny who is fat, so she want everybody fat to prostitute them.

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Catholicism doesn't invent sins to be boring

 See stupid fat they said that if they doesn't like me imagine you, is that you don't understand aggression they just don't do to kill.

So in the Catholicism have the gula - gluttony but in Oriental cultures doesn't have, I remember for sure in India, but the Catholicism doesn't invent to be annoying - I am thinking about gluttony in my mind even was gluttony have a mother that cook exceptionally well and you or anybody eat and be over the weight, but I was listen that have people that eat till be fat no matters how disgusting is the food, I think this isn't for all the Orietals or would not have the fat, had religion that punishes the laziness, be fat is like one of the things that happens for who is lazy. A person said that had ladies that was fat and return to a ruin boy that other was using, if is that way was to the religion discover that be fat the punishment was a woman that is a prostitute that went to live in the body till be disgusting and very raped, meaning that she uses for sex till became very felty, when I saw people eating trash with delice I used to think that was the punishment of another life that the person was glutonny.

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 Is um estado de espirito, state of mind, isn't a face that make the people really beautiful. Aquela chata what pitty you don't be there to ask to my grandmother what is state of mind!

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The thing about a friend of school of another life

 She was saying that she want to know what I said to her in another life and was that, things was like that but society had their movements she didn't appreciate me but I said a nice thing to her, the society I was felty rich and I was supposes to marry a rich girl, she was fat, I had to say if I was more English no problem but, in the country of my father wasn't accept I marry a poor girl, love there was less thought for marriage than in England, my family was more rich, was only hard to find a family so rich as, at the time in England the most rich magnate was my father, so she didn't like me because I didn't want to be her boyfriend, once his father said to her that if she didn't acquive be person without got thin she got thin, she was mediocre in school but thoughts that was brilliant she was ugly she thought that ugliness compensate but she wasn't a genius as she pretend, 10 years after she with 30 what miserable she was, her life never was a step forward than school, I said to her that if she didn't got be a thin be a person fat, or she would be nobody until got old, she lived locked in the apartment without do nothing with the father sending money.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

3 ies of the guide

 One is that the daughter of the guilty woman was a hermafrodite that was emasculated in the maternity for whom didn't like the mother, I remember from another incarnation that I was descedant of an Indian man that was hermafrodite, do you think that a man hermafroite is a perfect woman? An man hermafrodite doesn't have vagina. Had the rest small but doesn't have vagina, could even be mother but don't have vagina. The vagina is a musculature that got elastic to deliver but return, if a hermafrodite deliver would need fix. 

The other is the two women pregnant of the end of the world, one is black and the other is white, the black he said she was deformed, she said that was the natural form of her that was a serpent. The preganacy of years when the black women deliver was shit, she wasn't expecting a baby, and people wanting know the pearls tha tguide said, is that important or at least make sense?

God don't know today, but He that charlatan, before born I listened he said that in the end of the world that he would be the woman that he to be powerful he would born pregnant, today probably he is regret. And appear that happens one death probably he didn't calculate. The other was a old woman said that who wanted to be sought by the regret God and had something about that unhappy birth had to born with a huge pussy, to he believe that the person also born pregnant. That woman is old but isn't the velha tola lá de cima.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Do you believe that was wrong in a educational site

 To exemplify showing with 4 places:

I gonna make that example for the one being in the place of the top and the one could occupy more 3 places that is the left the right and the bottom. So any result that I got with the one in the top will be this way for the other place so I would multiply by 4 the result let's start:

Comprovation of the mathematical rule for possibilities
In this moments I don't felt me a genius but a merdinha.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The half-empty glass of wine

 For the solution of that we just stop before further calculation because at resolve half of it we resolve even the end:

The table shows the quantities of boxes of the same candy that should be delivered by the manufacturer to three supermarkets.

Supermarket                        Number of boxes

Boa Vista                             1000

São João                              3200

Bom Preço                          5600

For shipping purposes, these boxes should be grouped into packages. All the packages must have the same number of boxes, as many as possible, so that each package contains boxes from just one supermarket and no boxes are left out of the packages. Under these conditions, the number of packages destined for São João Supermarket is equal to

Translated with (free version)

so the mmc

1000,    3200,    5600        ]100

    10,       16,        56        ]2

                                        ]/200 so you can stop by here and don't be looney of got 200 and divide by                                                 3200, you see the 16 the middle number is of the market that the question                                                 asked so what means that 16? That I gonna make big packs of 200 items, and                                             16 is the quantity of packs for the São João, so you apply direct the 16 and for that question you see the half-empty wine goblet. My parents used to say that the half empty glass is more easy to see for left-hand.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And the lie of the guide

 I think that name is so common but I know an old bitch that uses that name and I would not cite it. So the no-name the guide starts the story that way she is older than you 2 years, she is type older than everybody 2 years. She born with the two legs and the doctor of brute pull her leg out like was a puppet leg and she loses the leg, she how was the demon she born with a huge vagina and anus, and you that who listen his story born with a perfect those things even small to much but missing a leg, I have all the members, and any person that listen the story fro pitty would try embrace her to the two walk with the two legs, but she is the demon and any person that is next her had the ass and the vigine sum with her and divided, and the vagina an ass is huge because the ones that she had was very huge, that she had many times that like make a portions that is deliver the baby, with the big vagina... but because a law of Jew decapitated is not only had the head cut out but had the right arm cut out, so when she had a baby she cut the right arm and put the baby like a log in the bathroom to die slowly, and she is so demoniac that the baby stay straight like a log. Is that this is one of the first stories had a lot that appear like horror gothic Britanic old stories. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And a discussion with a cousin

 My father said that the sign was don't live your father to went to Europe, in the sign came write Europe? And in the next day I was pissy of hate, and my cousin said that knew that I received the signal, I was dreaming with things more possible like they would open a University in England and I would went there to study find some England girls, hadn't a University in England but wasn't me waiting for a miracle? I said to my cousin that the sign could be a jet plane full of European pussy, he look to the skies, surprised happy? I said to him don't be fool if in the jetplane had European pussy is because the lady came with! I said about travel in the air, yes already had the Minotaur, and the boy that fly from the Island with the father, is that he got wonder to could fly and got near the sun, the Icaro is an angel in Jericoacoara? I write a poem about the excursion of pussies from England, my poem run the world in less of 3 months appear ladies of England, fat short but at least young! To got meet the boy that was writing that! I was working in the land at the time, see had a rule, the owner can't let the worker labour alone in the land I don't need bust myself but I have also to work a bit in the land, I was a teenager so my father was working not so all days. I was thinking if they know that I was working because my race in my country the owner need to work the land no matters how many workers he have, isn't very much at the time was till the dinner time.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That was so beautiful moment

 Wasn't need but to make the atualizations of the documents of my father of that incarnation, had in the papers the name of the pastor, he was a Catholic monk he was still alive and for conviction he was hermit at that time that he was look for to ask what was the event that he used to mark the birth of my father, many people used also the birth of the mother or of the father he used a universal calendar that was used since the Greecy, Roman could even be the birth of a Caesar I think that the Roman calendar was linked with the Jew.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ok I gonna say why the age of covert to that sect was 13 years old

 Because the priest promess to the short boys that the wold grow more 10cm, the priest was my grandfather. At the time I was relative of the king, my father was a farmer and that was half problem, my father was different of his father he was a piece man, but the problem was that I want went to Europe and was a very rich farm, so I passes my time waiting for a sign, but that be a good presságio. Disgrace I never wanted.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Who's know what color is that hair

 I think is a way of mascared the colour of a hair, see that colour weird is because who see the woman see a picture, type memories, I think the name is memories, we can have memories of things of a nation saw is something like that, so the person see a picture black and white colorized, so this is the reason of that uncommon hair color, black and white the hair is light, but another paranormal said years before, that he also see the future and that colour could not be blond but light brown.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

hold on...

So the Pope agreed

 That mark the dates for the Catholic documents the birth of the king of the kings Jesus. Was after a lot of years of study.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Also had that

 MY uncle in the end prejudice in the same sense just was hard his brother swarthy, so I went after to the witch of the birth to know, she play the sticks to know if his mission was a way of force his father kill him, he was playing pastel, at that time I didn't knew he was married, his brother that appear was bachelor had a daughter, but they didn't said even for the European royalty, their family was that way hide from the royalty of Europe! I respect very much that the marriage are among the princes of Europe but I think this is a isolation of course the people probably loves.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And there is go with the pastel

 About France in another incarnation when I saw that that the things could went wery wrong to my father I write to the Pope to ask his help about the lives of the Royalty, but what is the pastel! That brother of my father wen things got bad in J. he flew away and he said that he was 1,64m but he was delicious, I didn't knew what was delicious in J. , still have Jericoacoara. I said to my father that the pastel was 1,60 delicious and dangerous, my father asked what was pastel, was a food that my mother told me, I knew I just never had bake one, his mother rich liked so much pastel that the cooker of his home town house was form Arabia. So I make pastel to he eat, was delicious I thought who knows make pastel work for kings and princes. So I asked help to the Pope because my father was good but his life was being be full of enemies envy people, I got knew that ex-freind that was beggar passed years corrupting the life of my father in countries like England, Italy, I write to the Pope that the Catholic church had to document births and marriages of princes and kings, that my country was the first to accept as official document as prove in all the other lands, the evil against my father was so bad that he with the brother of the witch was saying that he was 1o years older than he was in England. I said to thee Pope that the birth of the king of England was something that make things doubtful because the king changes and the dates got doubtful that need a lot of investigation. The birth of my father was house documents but had. The kingdom was England the other kingoms was type smaller? I said to the Pope I went to a witch to be sure that he would agree with me, because I also confess to him that I had murder some people that if that would be implicate with my name when became to public my murders that what was so important could be end. The church also document the decease of the royal family.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

And had that criminal

 Problems are that way ignore them, could a solution? Even when they just grow, have murders around the world, and is just a fact, sometimes people die for another but don't do legal things for the person, appear that a lot of the stories that guide said had prostituttion involved, so more one... He told a lot of things and haven't a beggining and for sure not a end, confusing stories, maybe the moral of the story is don't trust because if the one of the worse persons of the stories work in the ONU! She was a white slave,and she use her position to murder people, she is evil and bad even with country governors... She was involved in the most important kidnaps, if the person is rich or important and is prostitution she was involved, a old woman that old men like to make favours for her, she was a woman that climb in life pleasing men but isn't only her, had a man so old as she and he was so gay that he had a robotic insert in the body that guide said, if someoen invented was he... He put in his ass when became big a machine is type an elevator, that when he make anal sex the elevator got own in the dick of the man that is fucking his ass, is type a second life for a old gay, so the elevator fica amassando o pau do amigo, he is type a pirate he live in high seas in ghost ships, was that what I unerstand is type a ship that was stolen of a ship cemetery.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

How problems have to be understood to be ordenated properly

 This problem are write not in the sequency to make the rationalization, so is need understand to understand what is process an what is production.

Twenty men asphalt 10 km of road in 6 days. In how many days did 30 men asphalt 30km of road?

So is mix process and production but process of one side of the equitity and production of the other side:

20 men x 6 days = 10km

I m saying that 20 men in 6 days do that, what is the secret?

Can someone got confused and think : 20 men x 10km = 6 days?

And is only that? Of course another factors contribute but they are all ignored in the question.

What I want discover: 30 men x Xdays = 30km.

Making the 3 rule write 20men x 6 days = 10km over 30 men x X days = 30km, multiply crossed the the equitities and had ythis: X = 12.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

hold on...

Another solution of mathematic reading is not enough had rationalization

 Many times mathematical problems aren't explain in mathematical formulas but with a exemple or a problem that is mathematically write, but a problem could be solved mathematically, so you read the problem and rationalize is make somehting that isn't a mathematical formula and make a formula, you rationalized the life problem to solve them with mathematic. Mathematical is : x + 3 = 25y - 6 being x 8 what is y?; but isn't that what people give to you solve.

In an industry, 20 identical machines working for 8 hours produce 160,000 liters of a certain soft drink. Yesterday, the machines were down for 3 hours due to a lack of electricity. On the other hand, 5 new machines, the same as the previous ones, went into operation. Assuming a constant production rate, how many liters of this soft drink were produced yesterday?

formula sentence equation 

assembling the 1 equation reading and rationalization:

20 maq x 8 hours = 160,000L

Rationalizing the 2 equation:

3 hours downtime then 5 hours;

20+5 machines = 25 machines; 

2 equation: 25 machines x 5 hours = X

rule of 3 with the two equations:

20x8 = 160,000L on: 25x5=X -> X=160,000x125/20x8 = 125,000L

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I know the answer

But I won't take anyone's pain oh, you are of that religion today, but I for 1000 years, why I don't remember the answer, I wasn't walking home to be part of the problem, so was who was in the house in that day. Was something like why of the 1000 years that the son was out home but isn't the iflho prodigo, Oriental of that religion are fathers. Mongolian.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

How I understand that music

 Now I understand the woman of yesterday, see at the time the demon doesn't say of directly, but today we use so much figurative language like "fugue", that today is direct, but for her no! why? Because she had all that years of hell, she just return this life, so for everybody is direct but not for her.

She sking the music indirect she is another, direct like she had a lot of women, that sold the soul to be rich or famous, but she doesn't understand becuase she is of a time that was say what was pretend.

I listen the music and I understand that she like a detour, was because I wasn't reading, I understand that the lady of the music like a detour that is came out of the decent life and make what is wrong to got fame, that people have to work be a real artist and she was only a woman that was doing something like prostitution to important men make she be any artist, actres? Singer? She be another I though that means that the demon do mind for who do that and would came to danar her soul like he had made before with many others women, that he some moments are advising her what disgusting would be her life before the money, he only don't warn directly, he give some evasivas, he eat her by the border, had a lot of women there? I thought had? She had to be the worse in a ll the senses? How many souls she is because had one that is paying more! The one that is upthere pay more, one follow the other, who is paying is the follower, becuase the one that is followed wasn't borning, what the other want? The promess that she have the right of attempt the young men with sex being a old woman, becuase she is making a favour.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, September 9, 2024

I think that the demon

 Can't look for people when they are being prostitutes becuase the person have to have the livre arbittrio, so he only could by a soul when the life is doubtful and not the certain, the demon isn't a person look for regular things he only uses the common violence the vices an all the rest.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

She was sexy

 In that incarnation I could had one of his men, is that I got chateado with the title of playboy and date a sexy woman that had a lot of lovers appear that I was a worse playboy, that of people said with her means that she date important old men and they were broxas. That was becuase she also had the young lovers, and they used to say that I used to think, was a life that she had she wasn't worse than a prostitute, why people say things like that about her.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People asked how to find the apice

 So without you know just knowing find the rooths, raizes see the apice is right the medium place to the X1 and X2 the raizes, so you calculate the medium that is very easy 

Fin the roofs X1 and X2 sum and divide, that is the X of the lower place or highest and with that X aply in the formula and find the Y.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The matematical comprovation of the best size to maximum area

 (Enem - PPL) A school has an empty rectangular plot of land with a perimeter of 40 m, on which it wants to build a single building that takes advantage of as much area as possible.

After an analysis by an engineer, he concluded that, in order to achieve the maximum area of the plot with a single building, the ideal construction would be

A) an 8 m² bathroom.

B) a 16 m² classroom.

C) a 36 m² auditorium.

D) a 100 m² patio.

E) a 160 m² court.

Translated with (free version)

The mathematical comprovation is a graphic so the fórmula is the perimeter is 40m so 2X+2Y=40, X+Y=20; X=20-Y. So you go to that site:

and input that formula: Y = X(20-X) and it gonna make that graphic and you gonna look for the apice of the curve that is the maximum that you can have, that gonna be for side X=10, area=100;

For that graphic you can see that for area all the other values for x or y gonna be lower the area.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
Ps.:Also this is a 2nd grade you can mathematically find where the curve had his apice without a graphic, had formulas for that. the lower or the higher point in a 2nd grau.

The story of the priest was that

He accused of Jesus once in Heaven to see God was with him Peter, and there He convinced tried to kill Peter, the sin of he said was the sin that I give a name frescutancia, but if Jesus in the other side is lay down like was dead was another of his followers that rise with Peter and not only fooled God and tried kill the Apostole Peter.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim  

Would be this story simbolic?

 That the prsostitute of the story one of centenas? My guide said about her... That she started to be prostitute with 6 years old and that way was chil prostitution, but this had years and she for sure is today old, that she make that with people from USA from Italy, that even they had a documentary with Italians with her, that when she got older she was still famous but a old shoe, and she passed to got all the information about who make sex with her, that she had a lot of notebooks with names telephones or any information, and this time she was with famous and rich people, that she leave thos notebooks by hore-houses that she passed to use to find his clients, that she push a lot of people for the prostitution and the problem people much older than she enter, she was cheated, robbed, all people that were to eat her best part of her life she was a old shoe but the clients got rich, but what the essence of those notebooks?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A question that in place of solve a shortcut

 If an industrial printer prints 7,200 pages in an hour, then it will print them in an hour and twenty minutes:

So in one hour is printed 7200 pages, and 20 minutes is 60minutes (1 hour) divided by 3 so is only sum 7200 + 7200/3 = 7200+2400=9600.

A complete detour, this isn't a direct solution.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Why I should said more?

 Is that one day that was being decided about a country, I had arrived there with my father and came his half-brother, came another people of others place, let me say that was after everybody died and we spiritually there to make some arragements, the place was Ok, but for ever and ever, give of all nationalities, of 2 religions? I saw that my uncle could commited me, and I was only spiritually listening, don't Jew don't be Arab, don't born in England, don't be German, and after with incarnations was even more, be Greek, be Roman, was a lot in Italy, so me and my friends we born there eventually there, we still have that right and nobody can cancel. When Greecy was in the top I wasn't in Germany or England see? Jews were walking around Europe and I was Jew.

So he compromisse for complete if he was the king, my father let, I when I listen the 1st, that way the king would be my ucle, wasn't a good place, I have a happy thought, also that was in the ancient world, do you know of course that the antiques civilizations aren't Europeans! They are Orientals, the Europe when got arranged like a politic cities the Old world had happens a lot of time before. So I remember that I was still rich and prince in Arabia so I only thought that I was very rich and I would pamper even more my sons in Arabia to they doesn't got sad because I was living that place, and I return running to my origin country, once born when I was king my uncle was king of such place, he write so bad things about the king, my father was alive is that he want me to be king many years before, I write to my uncle that he legislate but for his country what he write doesn't change in nothing the legislation of my country, why I should say more than that? For an uncle older than my father was that my father had sons an he only had daughters he had to be the king.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Question of geometric progression applied to biology

 A colony of bacteria, isolated for culture, reproduces in such a way that its volume triples every two minutes. If, in ten minutes, a vat containing a certain volume of bacteria is completely full, in how many minutes did the bacteria occupy a third of the vat?

3x each 2min.

10 min the full volume

2min - 3x

4min - 3x3=9

6min - 3x3x3=27

8min - 3x3x3x3=81

10min - 3x3x3x3x3=243

243 divided by 3 = 81, 1/3 of the volume is 81 in the table that I had write the 81 in volume is at 8min.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I also knew clean

 But decent was diferent in my mind, was type I asked to her how offended she felt, and clean was type you have face of talk with me a decent person, you are dirty. I find a girlfriend just after, I want to know to say to her that a family father didn't do that to others, was that I was Oriental and was to say to her that a tarado fooled her.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Nor say nor fall

 The person got revolted, and think in the empíreo isn't that the comunication. Pensamento-forma, is that in the empireo the thoughts got shape. I respect very much the feelings of who think diferent of me, who had diferent religion, who had diferent behaviour, but Idon't have to agree, I don't have to do as, I am European very much thnak you also because I have a father, type family, in all other lives I was fahter pratically of Europens, is type that everybody is father of everybody, never work well.

So let me say had to have someone with feeling about that? People ask me and I answer, have so I answer something that someone ask me, but the person didn't say that way what do you think of Lelé offer sex anal, he answer what a think about anal sex! So I don't understand someone be offend I even ddin't know that who asked me was talkinga about someone, and if only a mad woman tha tthinks that all are for her like th eUniverse doesn't have nothing more funny to do than think on her.

Is that a person asked what I think about people that are a master of the sex, I could even talk with that kind of people since isn't about sex. Type live to make love, be slave of the sex, and blablabla, once I was the friend and I was also man and my friedn that was girl make sex with a Oriental, go to shit even Indians are Orientals, I asked to her if she felt decent, she said that she had shame of what she did, she never said to me what was, I got so much more his freind she even dream to ask me to marry her, because I don't like women that make sex with men of other races in that sense.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Is this banal?

 People asking me what I think about crosses with spiders or with skulls, was a beautiful art concept and had no meaning for me, is that pretty people would use because was pretty and not because had a meaning, I didn't see the spider attacking the cross or the skull desfigure the cross, is a necklace that had to sale, see I think in England had no problem, was well developed art construction, but I live in a country with religions that offend ech other, understand?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That be of a good use

 I don't remember who said but once that the Catholicism went in one country that I was what made it don't stay was a father said that the religion wasn't good because the priests and the nums was to care only about the salvation of their relatives that a priest care about save all the country was based in a law of retribution that was very ugly, I think that was better rewrite but in the beggining was very ugly.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A high priest just said in the Angelical mailing

 That you see all that men of the clip? All they to be saved had to dream one of the miseries of her like happens to him, in the mind of gay even Gd don't like them, so to each of that ones they have to dream with the misery of that woman or don't gonna be saved.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What this for the meaning that music

 The begining is that the are pooling money to buy if had that in the begining they are pooling money to buy a woman. That people with that jeitão I think they are homosexual, they aren't using pants and showind the ass, probably they are gays, in the clip probably they are saying that she is a soul made of the waste, type is a new soul made of the rest of what is bad, had all that in the clip, in the end they are adoring her like she was a God. And if she escape, I am seeing that she is dying and she is a prostitute that only date women., so of what she was saved? She is lying I remember her from Heaven but not in Earth and if she only born once! She is the woman that attempt God and want the woman that He designe for Him, and he baking her she was inside the estatue and almost die in the flames.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

At that time what was a movie

 A way to register the moment, was type a truth, so people film a lot their intimate moments, but at the time other couples filmed so much they making sex, was very vulgar, this in the incarnation that I lived in Russia, I filmed so nice trecos, I bought a lot of experiments, I write to the school of England and asked from where the experiments of phisics and I bought for me, sent to my adress, by mailling and filmed even that, for the time I make other experiments the time lapse, because the movie was the real record time, I used some artificiality in my movies was experimentals, so was good movies, I was even alçada to scientist because of my movies, I was considered sceitist and not a filmmaker, I didn't convice was the Pope to film somethings of the Catholicism, like the city of Jesus, like some routines of the Vatican, he was very not like films, and some sacred places of the old Catholicism that only a priest could enter, is that he doesn't like movies. Ididn't film judgment because could a common crime be considered the crime of the century because had the journalism filmed about, was type a way of make documetation.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One day my mother said to me after I became Ctaholics

 That the other religion is a trap and the hell and we have a life to save us from that religion, and is find the Catholicism, so that religion save a lot of people why don't save you and let me sleep.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

He want die because

 His life is good but the religion, one that I myself had and preferred be Catholics is that way if you are rich you received the reward in Earth, so you die, but the one that is poor what justice he received? Weird, also if a rich guy lose a leg, he didn't had his justice and he receive more one incarnation, is a furada this religion, we can accept the Catholicism I hate so much that guy lie for Catholics that doesn't explain that he received die becasue he is rich, he want to all his friends Catholics die, becuase for him he received justice and he could die, but that nasty place of that North-American girl he doesn't want and he would receive 3 lives! She is receiving the trash because a woman that born prostitute, she is being famous but people make a lot of violence against her.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The best contact

 Is the one that is in person because the person thinks very much in what gona say, this of virtual, the person try to show what they aren't and sometimes say things that only audacity of the virtuality give like impunity.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

when in the solution of problems of real world

 We have to have in mind that to the things had to have solution, but that all the work have to be done, that noboy can passes all the time that have trying solving something that hadn't solution and make that let without made the other works, so somehting that hadn't solution is to be abandon to start the next task, my father used to say that what doesn't have solution is solved by itself, also that what is done could be destroyed if the person doesn't stop of make fixes, that the fixes can make it worse.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Resolving a mathematical problem possibilities

 A rectangular flag is made up of 5 vertical stripes, as shown in the picture below. The stripes of this flag will be painted, one in each color, with the colors: blue, red or green. The number of different ways this flag can be painted, with the restriction that no two consecutive stripes are painted the same color, is:

Let's first to make fast of resolve replace colour names by number so 1, 2, 3

I did for the 1 because this could be used as the same for the other numbers, so you multiply by 3 all the possibilities that could just for the 1, I have to say that I didn't need finishes the possibilities when I be in the 3rd house I already notice that the padron is multiply by 2 each more houses so this way you can discover even for 600 houses, just seeing the padron and making a formula is to cry think but I gonna say what is the formula
If I only have 3 options the possibilities are for the first number 3, but for the second, just 2 because can't be repeated and for the 3rd also 2 because can't be the number before, and for the 4th multiply by 2 because can't be the number before just the same and for the 5th only 2 for the same reason. And there in the site is that way becuase is look blink, and there the formula, see isn't automatic the person have to test to see how works.

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Have woman that don that but shouldn't

 After divorced second married a violent man, I don't even believe that someone desagee.

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Living memories

 Memorias vivas- the memories are pure picture of me, so I see how I am in my memories, I wasn't so direct what means? Don't say probably only I would understand, for everybody had a different meaning, so nobody could have my answer.

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One thesys

 When the generated got corrupted and work again the master, the master have to create a new one to replace him but the reference can't be the other because it is ilegal and on the lose, he had to be find and control to stop the destruction, is the gato Blanco to the white rabbit, type is gato Blanco have a reason.

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This is philosophical I never said to God

 Because I never let came that day. You don't save me of be murder if one day that you need a murder you ask me to do it. God isn't fair or rational.

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This is mathematical method

 A number that is smaller than the divisor aren't divisible by the divisor, is didn't knew fractions.

I used that for the rest.

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Good thesys but isn't a crime

 If the rabbit is someone maybe is someone that had lived and know the real girl that is based Alice in Wonderland  I think her name was Martha, but is legal research without a decent reason if have any reminiscence of the life of Martha.

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Why we remember thing prettier than they really are

 My sociological thesis, I remember the Freaky Frankstone more handsome than he was, I look in the internet before came to write, he is the other friend of the Pebbles Flinstones he was ugly, my thesis was that she supposes to marry him no matters how she was thankful for the friendship of the Banbam, that had mercy in the time of choose is choose also be unhappy with no salvation, after marry people don't have the right of dream, and is accept that she choose be unhappy to be nice, but believe I make my idea based on beauty the Banbam is handsomier she is right of choose him, end of the discussion.

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She date him

 Coitada se esculhambou na vida, a gay with that pinta - visual is esculhabandão, they date sit in the bank of the plaza, to kiss under the tree and he return her to her house and say good bye in the door, date a person dessed like that he did everyhitng with her, in the motel in the moita. Say another estória he is the kind that passes the saturday morning in the library of the School...

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Explaining a 1/100

you want just work in one cent is that is this -> 0.00; this here -> 0.000 is one milhar se how is ugly fractions, and this this 0.1 isn't one percent is 10 percent one percent is ->0.01 and this here 0.001 is 0.1%

This is very also need for conversation of cm to meter or kg to grams.

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Another solution very simple good for buying

 The owner of the apartment where Valéria lives wants to increase the rent from R$400.00 to R$568.00.

The proposed percentage increase is:


I gonna taught how to think and not use a formula:

Porcetagem the increase we will solve without formulas, simply applying what it means, the whole is 400,00 and 568,00 is the whole plus something and that something is 168,00 so far I have not used any formula I'm just telling you what is part of a whole, but it helps me to know in units of hundreds what 168 means for 400, for hundreds I work with that and values they are floating in other words they change, so hundred is tempestive, it is an occurrence used as standard.

So 168 is a part of 400, what do you do? You divide the part by the whole, that's right, you take the smallest and divide it by the largest, that will give you a fractional number less than one, exactly because it's part of a whole, you see that I said 1, it can only be a number less than one, so it's a fractional number less than one, but it's a teaspoon, fractional numbers are huge, there are thousands of them, so multiply by 100 and divide by 100, 100%, that's it, multiplying and dividing is built in, the number hasn't changed, it's just become more comprehensible, looking at it, do you know who 90% is, if it's 0.9 or 0.09 or 0.009, do you know if this 0.10 is 10 percent, 1 percent or 0.1 percent?

Translated with (free version)

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Resolving a mathematical question and baby thinking

 A certain school's tuition fees increased by 8%. If this school charges a monthly fee of R$468.72 after the increase, what was the monthly fee before the increase?


One important thing about percentages is that by adding 8% and subtracting 8% we don't get back to the initial value of 100, I like to use 100% which means 1 in the sense of integer, so 1 means that I have the integer of that, 100+8%=108 - 8%= 99.36 I used 100 so you can be sure that I convert it without loss to 99.36% and multiply that by any value like I was calculating for 36 reais so 36 * 99.36% = 35.7696.

For this case it's 100% + 8% = 108%,

I want 100% without a rule of 3, so to be more direct, divide the value by 108 and multiply by 100 and you'll have the result as the slave of the wall mirror said, I'll let you live in the bathroom mirror, it's also a nice mirror.

Baby thinking, thanks God my mother explain 100% before I think about I was in school studing the units, dezenas centenas and thousands, but I was thinking in per 10 and per 12, and that wasn't easy becuas who taught me the dozen had days that didn't knew if dozen was 12 or 6, so I was thinking in pairs of 10 and 12 and how many times I got some number of 10 or 12 and what was the diference, so I count 12, 12, 12 and 12, what passes was like ot the trash can, because instinctively I see I need a method so what passes of 12 had no meaning, I would not went to any place without thinking that was to the trash, and got 3 of the 12 3 of the 12 and 3 of 12, I had a fear that the Universe was 6 and not 12, so one day I would prove that dozen was more reasonablr be 12 and not 6, I didn't knew the fraction so everything that passes 12 was to the trash, and my parents let I have my devaneios, so thank God she said about the percentagem.

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Reflxion like a construct a thesys

 I had saw some texts about phylosophy, becuase was used translate for the Portuguese as text study, to study grammar, they came from Latin and Greek.

Why the philosophy fall in importance, but in law is still very important, because the method investigative was swap for the scientific certain-certeza científica, so can't be for the conviction if you can use real proves, in the field of the chemistry and physics these are sciences, but is important fro people imagine things and use methods to doesn't got impossible conclusions, so is very human need the philosophy, but the sciences is a field that need real proves and fro that philosophy isn't no more a point of view but to develop a thesys philosophy still are good just isn't prove you gonna passes for the scientific methods of prove, so today we have the microscope, we gonna use it and this is sciences, and we gonna be in biology, chemistry had the reactions, had for the Astronomy the telescope, so philosophy for that is just create a concept, we can still use for scientific discussion, but in one moment we gonna have to pass for the scientific method of comprovation, so we can no more live of mental creations for explain the natural sciences, but in the field of the human sceincies the philosophy is need.

So who read my blog a long time could notice that I use the method philosophical investigative for some question, I said also that I am paranormal, that some of those things I didn't see, even the police can answer those question, and they had investigators, me in Ceará how can I know something that happens in Bahia or Maranhão ou Rio de Janeiro? I am young how can know something that happens before my birth? Something that someone was thinking when do something, had something that I said only if I asked to that woman why she is that way, she was talking about someone very ugly, how could someone know why someone was so unshaped, only asking for the person, at least was me that show a image of a deformed woman and make thesys about her body? I pratically don't show pictures so imagine human, so I don't use picture of pratically nobody, I show picture of makup, nail polish, food, artcraft, all show a lot is my hands, so say those ugly things I say you are right she are all that, I said only went after her and asking why she was that way, becuase the accusations was ugly, she is so stupid of think that a American fat woman is her friend, th eopposite hated with love, the love is for the range the odium is for the friend, she is stupid of sent the own pictures for a woman in Americas that want to know why the men of Americas isn't for them, I am this life, in the Etherio I listen that in Americas had almost nothing of men, tha the marriage is woman with woman, so stole a American man is type, is 10 men for 10.000 women so gona be 9 men for 10.000 women. So if that bitch want carry the lesbian machagonas she can, is what more have in Americas machagonas is 1 for 1.

So the development of a philosophy have:

starts from a premise

develops a reasoning

that's criticism

constructive criticism

scientific conviction - don't have.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, September 6, 2024

What is had all there about murder

 O motivo, a predisposição, o planejamento, o encojamento, o isolamento, o segredo, a internalização, o afastamento da opnião alheia, a tendência de se falsear aos outros a mentira como forma de viver para manter o respeito dos outros.

Motive, predisposition, planning, commitment, isolation, secrecy, internalization, distancing oneself from other people's opinions, the tendency to falsify oneself to others, lying as a way of living in order to maintain the respect of others, hide the own intention, live with false intentions.
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Psychology studies infidelity

I would never would talk offenses with people that accept that from the wife, I was a psichiatry and my patient was European and his wife was that kind, and in the end he commit a murder. In my mind who passes for that had all inside the mind to commit such thing.

So the story was that he was the boss's lackey, he felt like nobody like him, he used to say that he need be capacho in the job to the boss look for him, and his wife felt like want offen him, of course that also being the psychiatry I had to say to him if he was sure or was only fear, he felt that his work colleagues didn't like him, but of course wasn't that people that he thoughts was making with his wife, but be hatted contribute to he have a wife that didn't respect his absence, see people at the time the CAtholicism people lived apart of the wife, celibate is that no priest would like to see a man take a innocent lady, if he abandon his wife could be fro one so bad as, lived with a separated man with no marriage what woman would want? He wasn't bad in life but when he got ride of her what would be for her, how much ugly the story less... What advise? Of course that when got worse, I said that he didn't had to accept live that way, for some people went with his wife was easy why? He hatted for colleagues, the work life got encounter with the personal life and the thing passes to stink, all the patience only of his part. I was thinking that was even case of police, in Spain the police helped prove the wife infidelity.

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What sense went that conversation

 When I lived in Russia, the African country that I came we were almost neighbours of the most corno African country. So had a country of Africa that the men are full of love, there also doesn't work!

He said to me that the first was his brother the most nasty story of Africa is if is the brother-in-law people used to say was at least my brother and not his, because in my brother I trust. This way you can even trust in the father-in-law of course he would cover the daughter and the son, so you can even travel and put the wife in a house of her family. So I asked was desafogo de mágoa? When is the brother-in-law we have to like him? Had something like that we have to love exactly that person, but not when is the brother-in-law. I thought about him what stupid, got a trouble with no solution for the rest of the life, life is so expensive and important that he is thruw it away, nobody can be the bombeiro-fireman, the fireman save the life of who sons? But that hurts.

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It was African slang and I was from there

 In another life when I lived in Russia, my husband once said about a friend that he was kind in love but not much that the went to bed with his wife, one moment he said that even he or the husband was the first, I asked who was the lalau, who was the robber, who was the person that was incognito, who was the 3rd the person that nobody knows?

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See if is possible understand

 Somethings that I liked in my land in Brazil I don't like, here we smile a lot just the felling isn't just this. The depression exists, maybe have a person dying and that disturbs, I don't want to know this person if I isn't from other life, and isn't for every humanity meet her. A person that die the feeling probably is horrible, nobody can spect that she like felt in contact with his feelings because in that country we only want to know about salvation and all the rest is rest. Probably she is a person that was real bad in other lives and only the death to make she be sorry, but she probably is a person that don't feel regret, and she only want don't die an beauty things she adopt all with the most empty heart just to got salvation, be good is only a thing that she only pretend do because don't want the eternal death.

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This isn't so seductive

 This is part of inteligence, had people that loves the white colour that is seduct only because the color no matters if the person for all the others aspects are ugly. I imagine that a young Indian lady if the difference of the age is very high the assunto is very unattractive. Came men form Europe over 60 years old and a person convice a young Indian girl that the baby would be white, and so what? Who wants? Nobody! Also about my grandmother he descend of a father that was European and Indian, here she said that when doesn't had tooth paste they used jua, to don't have cavity in the teeth, so people of his father had teeth even old, that she got the juá that is a wood, scrap with a knife and use with the fingers brushing with the own rasp.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, September 5, 2024

What the problem is that

 The Indian from Ceará return in the same moment a European said that in they do the erotic love without the gentle love don't you understand that they affirm in a Continent that they multiply themselves so they practice sex but only the erotic one.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Demonstration of the raffle

Let's say that I put in 5 pebbles the number 1 to 5, put them in a bag, raffle, I want to decide the a raffled order of the numbers, like that let me say I raffle and take one pebble, so I had 5 pebbles and one pebble is only one of 5 so no matters what is the number I know that is one of 5 possibilities that are in the bag, so is 1/5; raffling again I don't have no more 5 pebbles because I didn't return to the bag, so no matters the number of the pebble I know that is one of the 4 possibilities, so is 1/4; so each raffle the bag decrease the number of possibilities, and in the en when rest 2 pebbles is 1/2, after when be one I gonna have only one possibility the only one rock that is in the bag.

But if I at each raffle return the choose pebble would be 1/5 till the end.

But I didn't said still the event, so till know I know that one is 5! and the other is 5^5.

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How discover a formula

Twelve people exchange handshakes. After shaking everyone's hand, how many handshakes were given?

I gonna create a smaller universe to discover the formula, of 6 persons:

Here I see that is 5 multiplied by 3, I guess that 5 is the next number to 6 and 3 is 6 divided by 2, but let's make another Universe even smaller, mathematically I can say what is the Universe of my search is a hypothetical, there is not even mathematical universe, is just hypothetical.
So a Universe of 5:
That appear very much with 5 multiplied by 2, so is the 5 persons multiplied by 4 divided by 2.
So the fórmula number of people multiplied by itself less one divided all by 2.
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Who ask me about bakery

Is someone that asked to people don't read me? I am writing for one read? Day 30 was 600 people reading me and yesterday 16 do you think I liked? Let me say something about vlog I went to the Youtube and not to the profile of a person who read me look for my content don't get in the blogger and find there 2000 of writers to read, isn't that true? So the traffic for a vlog is for youtube and not for such person.

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About bakery and confectionary

 The thing about measure is that when people hire a person to work making cakes and breads, many times you don't make a test pre-contract, you just hire, you had patience of taught measure, maybe is just that what is missing for the person be hire in another place, so you spent your time that is lose money? You don't want, so you hire and if the person don't know how fill a cup with flour you gonna have cakes in the day different of the usual that your clients by from you, and other if you don't eat you don't gonna know that the quality was different, so can be days of clients very unhappy.

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Explaining 1 Cearenses legends

One is that European say that taught the hug and kiss, here the Indians said that they with it invented the cheek and lips? Who had lips and cheek of course kiss, that people still passes mertiolate in the ass thinking that was a talho de faca - butcher's knife blow.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Another thing that is simplyfied

 Is the cloth factory, type to do clothes for kids they spend the cloth type 3meter and they do 20 of kids custom, the diference is that how much smaller more cloth would be lost, for adult they using the same extension would 7, no matters if 42 or 46, have even clothes that the same factory don't gonna have the 48 because for that model the same meter doesn't make the same quantity of cloth, and have the confection for big number,  the same piece of cloth would do less clothes.

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This that people doesn't make calculation

 A milk farm for instance, in place of that is be every cycle money in excess, if they have profit will have money or they work to keep alive or they are having prejudice, or had so much money that they can buy something for the farm hire a worker. But in a bakery even a rich one have to do control of caixa.

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