Thursday, September 5, 2024

Demonstration of the raffle

Let's say that I put in 5 pebbles the number 1 to 5, put them in a bag, raffle, I want to decide the a raffled order of the numbers, like that let me say I raffle and take one pebble, so I had 5 pebbles and one pebble is only one of 5 so no matters what is the number I know that is one of 5 possibilities that are in the bag, so is 1/5; raffling again I don't have no more 5 pebbles because I didn't return to the bag, so no matters the number of the pebble I know that is one of the 4 possibilities, so is 1/4; so each raffle the bag decrease the number of possibilities, and in the en when rest 2 pebbles is 1/2, after when be one I gonna have only one possibility the only one rock that is in the bag.

But if I at each raffle return the choose pebble would be 1/5 till the end.

But I didn't said still the event, so till know I know that one is 5! and the other is 5^5.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

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