Monday, September 2, 2024

People doesn't know the suffer of the other

 Also people got mistaken because want, you know what does means? This doesn't means that you have the right of got the mistake but that you see the truth and say the lie.

In that incerantion that was a beggar he wasn't the older he had a sister 8 years older that everybody knew was lesbian, the employees of his father said that his father and mother becasue she menace the younger with sex they rape her for never she said that a woman would do that if him, that for my fahter his father didn't like him but he defend the son.

The people of the castle was diferent I nver knew them only my fahter he liked to walk in the city, I myself was afraid of them, I change that phrase I translate and swap, sometimes the things in English aren't talked softned, had ways of say the same thing, and hadn't a reason, my father talked with the beggars, in that day that he walked naked I think that he was trying suicide, didn't I said that what happens that days after he was kidnaped for a crazy old sorcerres man was he walked naked.

My mother by the part of the German father she also decend of a Arab, is that why people doesn't want remember, the fahter descend of an Arab and the mother was from Japan, that wasn't a problem the man was handsome in Germany, so where I want reach, my ancestor when came middle age he cut out the balls to doesn't have more sons in his wife or in any woman, you doesn't understand still, is that a married woman when she can say the daughter of his wife isn't his daughter? I used to say that people doesn't understand, that people doesn't see the suffer, was even imoral how high was the suffer of my father, he could be a prince but who would want a child with a man that had a witch in the past, people in the city until the ban of his parents didn't knew, was the secret of family.

One day many years after I said to my father that father even trying kill us could be a person that took care of us, and he didn't understand, he asked of what are you talking, when I saw the letter, was still closed, I see that your father died, was the letter of his cousin, talking about the daughter of the witch, until his father was alive he didn't dare. His father lived all that time in Germany.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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