Friday, September 6, 2024

See if is possible understand

 Somethings that I liked in my land in Brazil I don't like, here we smile a lot just the felling isn't just this. The depression exists, maybe have a person dying and that disturbs, I don't want to know this person if I isn't from other life, and isn't for every humanity meet her. A person that die the feeling probably is horrible, nobody can spect that she like felt in contact with his feelings because in that country we only want to know about salvation and all the rest is rest. Probably she is a person that was real bad in other lives and only the death to make she be sorry, but she probably is a person that don't feel regret, and she only want don't die an beauty things she adopt all with the most empty heart just to got salvation, be good is only a thing that she only pretend do because don't want the eternal death.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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