Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A secret about souls but don't got as secured

 In hell and take Brazil as, the souls doesn't have the protection field, so one secret that a guide said to me before I frequent the spiritism, another soul that I listen was the king Tutu, I thought only could be a king of far past of Africa. So what the guide said, that soul of man doesn't open the body of nobody, because what open is a used soul with their own holes, is the protection field that help a soul of man on't be opened by the partos of a woman that had a lot of partos, so I listen 3 souls and none make any harm to me, because they didn't had partos. But don't got that as secure because evil sols fool and make that use people and cause ilusions, but if the body is open the person really are used for anybody, if I was living in a Brazil that everybody is opened by souls with partos, you think that I seeing me as man I would o such nice thing, everyboy feel miserable, so let the worse nightmare.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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