Wednesday, September 4, 2024

In kitchen we work with volumetria

 Type my mother used to do that very often, she needed 3 cakes, of the same size, she weight one to half of the other, and the one that is the double she cut in half, is because a very high cake bake not very well, got over cook outside and inside not so much, so 3 times is a cake with problems, so double no.

Another thing is that my mother used to weight the cakes before they went to the oven to see after bake the lost, how she wants just the diference she don't care by the weight of the pan, mathematics professors doesn't explain but I explain, if the 2 had the pan in the calculation the diference the pan will be eliminated, so discount the pan is stupi because you are doing extras operation. Basically what is lost with the bake, the liquid of the milk.

Why we do that calculation? Becasue if we use the recipe of the Senac the milk is type magical, is until the dough got the consistency, so we can doing the same cake had cakes with diferent weights after bake that depends of the day. Had the lost of the butter and egg, something that is calibrated an we can hypotetically say was all the milk. Can you imagine also that in a factory like a bakery the cake is weight to say the price and in a factory the cake need have a correct weight because the package.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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