Monday, September 2, 2024

People should not think that is for them

Right that a person open the Bible and there had something violent like a necromant, see that is so offensive that prostitute is for sure a younger woman, I understand I just don't live that situation of be pictured as prostitute is a good thing, Brazil isn't a nice place but we live a better reality, the problem is that Brazil is a weak place for international influences, what is good we never can have but something that is bad in other countries influecies very much our lives, we suffer for things like a niña of the tropics, or el niño type a tsunami that happens in others south American countries but changed our clima. So bad influences of exterior changes our life, like we pushed a rock and the rock got more weight, the floor came more sleepery, is that when the cake are baked everybody give contribution to do it and when is made is only for the rich, exploration, people doesn't treat us like human, we on't receive the compassion that even an animal would receive like Brazillian be the most ugly and nocive animal of the nature.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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