Monday, September 2, 2024

You not only could bake but assemble

Chocolate ice cream with chocolate ice cream, and chocolate syrup and strawberries
Here everything was bought and I just assemble, seeing the picture what is missing the chantilly and you can just buy one prepared that are in spray can, isn't a good way to eat strawberries:
A waffle, this one is chocolate flavour;
in the top of it ice cream this one of chocolate is a 60kcal portion, so is so need the chocolate syrup to make it tastier,
and the chocolate syrup for ice cream that I use even in the pavê and cakes, I know make chocolate syrup but I buy the already made to be more pratical.
And if you had chantilly, that is also good with coffee type expresso, here have a cafeteria that is to make café italiano, is very lookalike expresso if you don't have the machine, even in the dolce gusto machine you make a expresso in place of dripping coffee,
and the strawberries that was the reason of all.

Frozen packed to prepare chocolate croissant
I bought also this delicious, also frozen to make in the fry-air.

Frozen chocolate waffle to heat before eat
The waffle that I bought.

Frozen chocolate sweet candie with brownie coxinha baked and fried dough
Another desert this is coxinha that is a cocked dough that one doesn't taste chicken just butter and a filling sweet of chocolate milk candie with brownie. This way taste like churros but a bit buttered.
Also to make is easy just preparation, and you gonna d when you want,
so when you went to the market buy the ice cream, the chocolate syrup, the chantilly in spray can, and the waffle, and the strawberry in the day before that you want prepare because is pereshible.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 


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