Tuesday, September 3, 2024

This is a chronicle isn't important for humanity story just another murder

 I was from England and a friend of Italy I almost call him liar of care to say about Religion for who didn't like. I understand that the people thought that Jesus was a wizard, of so big the mistake of what he was saying, they wanted the religion since that make justice, one accepted that sin, the woman of the other with 5 kids, 3 was from him that wasn't the husband, but they want a witchcraft, and he laughthing saying to 2 mad men, I almost said that laught show the liar, the mother of the husband kill him, I thought that she worked killing chicken of so despedaçado my Italian friend was found. The old woman today amassadinha but danada with a machete picotou todinho the guy, probably she was a young mother, the parents at the time call sons stupid an asnos and hit with paus, that was the education, chigamentos - names and espancamento.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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