Sunday, September 1, 2024

You ask me

 Because are my friend, and not a person that want the bad to me, and thinks that I gonna take your place? Say someone answer me who yuo are the raper or the lady raped?

You are type nobody to just know without be one of them.

You know the importance of the nose piercing? Probably came of the time that coins was rings, but one attached to the body?

Who answer me asked what was that for me, for my mother the ox when is very dangerous he had a ring in the nose to people knows that one even kills, and don't got near them, so I don't know what means a piercing in a nose of a person, for what he had told me at 4 days an picture that is famous, that was used by a eunuco-eunuch that was a dancer, I saw that picture, that way he represent a beautiful woman, women wasn't that beautiful, and he was surpass for the Salomé a girl of 6 years old that the king said that was seduced by a girl of six years old, and no matters her age or her paratage he went to the bed with her.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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