Sunday, June 30, 2024

About another person

 He is handsome but see if he did that love never was important in his life, and in the life of a girl is so important be mother that for who this love doesn't destroy a prostitute? That of so fucked the births of her kids are kind of fucked. Is that I was listen that he promess, why? Because he can promess, wasn't to redemption just because he see a ugly woman and thinks that she can born pretty if he be a father with a pretty woman, so what the importance of love for that person, see had one soul of the other side that is the ones that had the sin of be spendthirift - perdulário, the soul loses the parts, is write in the Vatican about that sin, you think that a person can even cut a leg and say take sale and be happy but is a sin, but is a sin even worse than the greedy, is even in the hell of Dante Dalignieri, but the real punishment is write in the Vatican, was respect, there they have paranormal priests, better than even the Espiritism, so went there and you gonna see that is walk in the completely destruction, dissolution of the soul. Are the dissoulte souls - almas dissolutas aqueles que dissipam tudo que tem, give a birth for a any **** you also give all your posses she would be his heiress. You give what you can't or don't have the right of get rid of.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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