Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ithought that he was the good of there

 In the industry we don't only have products, but also sub-product and what is that last one... Is when you have a expensive process and what could rest that could wen to trash is reusable, for cinema, type I construct a set to do a big American movie, why this name? So in the end of the movie I could destroy all the set but I use the set to make the Villa Sezamo a TV show! So the TV show is a subproduct of the movie. So the good of there, mym guide said that all had a price, even the director I thought that was a common person but is a person with a past, a criminal? So the guy was do that, he was anaesthetised, to make a body liposculpture, was raped during the anaesthesia the man is type the IT? So he had all his face after a surgery scanned in a computer, they made another him, make the copy be younger, more pretty, and according my guide the copy isn't in the Youtube but in the Instagram, hey stop that machine that you invented, she is a machine you didn't invented her stop her! Isn't simple the inventor stop the machine that doesn't stop for herself?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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