Sunday, June 30, 2024

About bacterial metabolism

 Is type live for unicellular bodies, they had a very simplified life, also predicted the metabolism what the bacterium eats, I think that inside the concept of metabolism breathe but not multiply, so bacterium that are unicellular, the food more easy choose are molecule that are simples, type it does eat molecules of amido, of sugar and not exactly protein that is more complex, probably had sugars that aren't eat for bacterium, what the bacterium produces are called rest of the respiration, could even be something complex like a molecule of oil. So what it does eat also mix with the metabolism with would be the rest of the breathing, they don't call another name, "o resto da respiração cellular". This is possibility of production of food that are more sofisitcated, like fermented bread, wine, cidra, different oils.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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