Thursday, June 20, 2024

I create the diploma for USA politician the reason based on liberty

 When I was Huncle I went to England to defend one scietific thesys at the age 26 years old, I defend there 6 thesys, I received a diploma by USA. Int he English newspaper they had a picture of me and my wife and the 3 sons, the picture the faces was small understand... At the time I think that the older didn't wanted to be the oldest and the fall fighting and my wife had twins. Was an operation of course, I think that even the last she didn't wanted had a normal parturation, the oldest was small babies.

So was write in the newspaper of England was write that Huncle Berryfinn white man married with white woman Fulana with 3 kids, to defend a thesys they write about you and your family.

In the defend of thesys was permited even beat in the opponent I didn't went prepare for that but I did...

They said after the fight that was a terrible boy, was because discuss just for the sake of discussing I beat the guy, I answer that so the stornger man wins, and my thesys passed no matters how terible I answered.

So the diploma for the high places politician, choose for the people was to we don't be himiliate for people of any European parlament because they could bring people with diplomas and how we gonna defend the choice and rights of our people, they had scientists with graduation in RACISM! So they were using diplomas to ofend the USA. So the represetatio nof the people with the aproval of the people had diplomas.

On that life I was inveted again to defend the USA again in France but I said that I only would went there after I almost be murdered there if the army of USA be ported with the port of France. People thought that I was right but also I didn't wanted to went. I the time that I went to France they sent me to England to I receive a call there, they sadi to me why you did that, I said that I fight till the end they reply that I would die, I answer so I would die, they replied that I still was a twrrible boy, they asked for my mother I answer that I didn't know what she would think of, but my aunt she really gaved me a good education, my mother was dead before I born she was stabled by a knife, about my father I remember that people said that my mother was pretty, probably he never had intention of marry, I understand the rights of my father wasn't his fault she be stabled and die. He returned to his country I never knew him.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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