Thursday, June 20, 2024

How I gonna say sometimes we wanna lose

 Is another life, had a man that was the exemple of the perfect white!!! The imperfectio on the nooose, is the perfect white!!! Be thub was th epeprfect white!!! Be with that old look was be the perfect white!!! Had curls hair was perfect white!!! We must becareful!!! He said becasue the colour came and seduct with perfect noses... With perfect bodies... And with that extra doses of youth... He got tired and die by now?

So when I was to born with my cousins the girls, he only had asked one prove of love... A person born with blue eyes and only reveal that were blue an not black in the ceremony after the yes. My eyes were blue and were 7 happy bridesmaids. She WON, people he married with a brown eyes dame. Don't give maybe is a question of time, maybe with the deliver maybe after 20 years were all the seve ngiving devices, all rotten think somwthing that wasn't of the bottowm of the heart. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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