Sunday, June 23, 2024

Why not director

 I was listen so much things, imagine the flight of a bat! The life is better than the profession, had a lot of director that is the shit of that city. I could be so important like one having an comparing profession. I was seeing a paid chanel that had rivers and rivers of shit make like trash factory, there any body could be director was only a title, they were making funny with a old director they even like the name of his Brazillian prostitute friend, to comparing him with a very bad director, she receive a prize an not him, how much she direct 3 direcotrs for a bad movie that would receive a prize, but with a director that insist that a movie could be good build in what is bad, they had a factory of director, he would lose his money some time after, I never knew that people make justice that way... And that director with his mania of push to the others his hell made friends. The other appear that had a week with in his company a person that would be punished no matters who still like him.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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