Thursday, June 20, 2024

Come in my angelical mailing

 About what we are talking about? Was type Alibaba and the 40 thieves. Thieve that robber thieves had 100 years of forgiviness, a techinician said that was need put an parabilic dish inside the room because an pen drive would not work, because he can't reach Americas to got that record. Is that he is kind a h benefector of humanity, on that record had a lot of things even two American Actors raped and almost dead. Is because he listne that would became a lot of miracles, that would be a blue scream with people seing the delected scene, and he prefer robber the original, because would be delected, so he had the original recor, isn't better than that xôxo miracle. I doubt of the talent to special effect of the guy I think that he probably put a worse duble, this is easy and simple.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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