Saturday, June 29, 2024

Depends of the family

 The dirctyr said that his perfect companion was a type female that born grow? With a empty head, "exterminador of the the future" born also that way, and she would receive all the education in days, this she is kind of all the races, I already sai that, but had a noto demoniac or angelical theory to his, each is that is a normal but very inteligent babies that born in competent families, with inteligent parents that had competent and iteligent parents, doesn't need be Jews, wasn't find the Jewish family, so is others, and the kids would be raise with education, and the education of parents that all the time passes his own educaiton, the problem is that his theories all the time doesn't work, so isn't even better, children born in families with culture.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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