Tuesday, June 18, 2024

At 10 years ago

 The guardian said that, but first let say about coffee, about sugar my mother don't drink juice with sugar, I drink juice with sweetness, and if coffee was with sugar I would not drink coffee, how coffee got in your life? How health is a fruit juice if even that had sugar? See even fruit are health.

So is about the artist, the guardian said that he was be murdered in Rio de Janeiro It was or will be? After he would return to USA but he appeared that he bought some soil in USA in a part of the country that hadn't a lot of person and the followers of the woman and his phans would, of course if he survive to Rio de Janeiro, would travel clandestine to his country find the American State that he bought to construct, is something about cinema, appear that he construct even houses to people live there because the soil was cheap because is far from any place. Had 2 that make facil surgery to be his copy so he would be replaced, one of so mad cut the own hand, so they would be in his country chasing him, the Brazillian that thinks that French would be so intimy with him and gonna passes to call him son, if he survive to USA, he would travel of helicopter to a farm in Brazil that live the family of a singer his parents she are fat htose days, there the father of the singer are being miserable with her because hate him, he is calling to warn people of Rio that the artist is in his farm, his son died in Rio becasue of the American artist the problem the farm is far from Rio the ARtist doesn't believe that they are coming to torture him. I talked with him in that era in the past for me. In past I didn't knew that he was evil. And all start he gay, almost dying after be used for a lot of persons in Bahia, he hated in Brazil I thought that was br famous is one day be loved in another be hatted.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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