Friday, June 21, 2024

I say about death I just in lack of inteligency now

 For that couple is that who is the older, she had erased the soul because she thinks is the older, is like that she kill the soul to the soul be only she, but if she had to return in time and gave the soul to him he would erase one more one time and she would be dead, for this two J capital J, went after each bad lived life and make them sign that they resigne of soul, I didn't know that was needed.

Also is that the more dangerous death is the person giving medicine that doesn't cure, and being dying, is like the soul had a expire date, for some people they aren't killing the soul is just like a baptism, so the souls need the death of the baptism, a person that are in my city said that had sol for 3 months, and if the age that he was baptised, I was 6 years old when I was baptized, was really goo that souls? So that souls aren't that good, are paratises that the holy water make them went away! Maybe they paratise small souls, small lights he was said that I was blond and growing like a frog.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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