Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Once a woman looking for an angel

Also souls hadn't theoretically sexuality so isn't problem be Piety sisters, didn't I said that the brotherhood of the uncles, I am uncle of my uncle, the relationship isn't human, that the brotherhood of the sister of my brother was all males and call each other sister, also hadn't women in the brotherhood of the other side, and also hadn't the mista with at least one woman, because you gonna give prove that isn't really a man so for a woman that had hope, of born at least once man she would never wanted prove that is a woman, because gonna be a woman between men, if presuntion is punished violently of that side of the other the punishment is higher, is lose all the births, swap good births for one very violent, the worse bodies. Till forgot all! A man saying that is woman is a much more decent thing than a woman saying that is man.

So the woman that was looking for an angel, she climb an said to me that angel was a soul that almost didn't born I said you are talking with him but I am not an angel, you think you gonna find what you are looking for if you don't know what you are looking for? So she said that the Angel was a man with 6000 sons and daughters, I think I had to say that to the Grandfather, He had 6000 grandchildren, but sons would like 6000 Jesus? She was saying a dangerous soul? And if God didn't know who was that soul? She said that she would receive, was she talking of a monster? A creature? A demon? A machine? I said you think that is sculpted to your desire? She had a sin, enter in the land the robot.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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