Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bacterium what happens there

 You control life controlling metabolism, simple bodies that are unicellular what basically produces is by its breathing, isn't the shit of it the breathing is also its shit, Ok? So its breathe it does all, is like his crap, we consume O2 and exhale CO2, if they receive O2 probably is the same, but if doesn't receive a O2? Its breathing isn't consuming O2, and still had to breathe. We also had something that isn't breath air, when you run or when you had a dormant leg, the member didn't receive enough O2, so you felt that pain in the legs or had a dormant leg because they needed O2 and was provide in the necessity, so they had to make a breath that isn't O2, so the leg are still breathing and in place of CO2 that you exhale you make the latic acid that will be in the muscle and will case pain or numb, in the member that aren't be oxygenated.

Didn't I said that for one bacterium the rest of the respiration is oil? In microbiology is considered breathing and not the bacterium making shit. So it does eat the amido of the corn and produces the corn oil. So is the product of the bacterial breathing that matter for the production.

Also that cow can eat leaves an process cellulose because on its stomach had a bacterium that consume the cellulose but! The bacterium are a very unhappy thing that can't eat the cellulose out of the stomach of the cattle, because it can eat it after be processed for the mechanical stomach of the cow! So when it came to the chemical stomach of the cow there had that bacterium that lives there. So out of the stomach of the cow that hadn't life. She need the cow is a comensalism.

When you froze the bacterium you suspend the metabolism, and when you put it cold the metabolism is letargic, letargic is delaied - atrasado, you are making bacterium that would live hours live a week, you doubt? It was is believed in microbiology, and I believe too! Imagine that we want that for us letargia that prolongue the life of superior organisms.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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