Saturday, June 22, 2024

You idn't passed in the 1st you had to got out of prostitution 2...

 I was joking, the test wasn't that but this two I am talking, see you give cause. when you came profitable you put a lot of person to don't have job, one was their father. You had the obligation of take the 2 of the prostitution, I was joking becuase you didn't talked with another person that was fired, you was talking with me, a brilliant kid so who work in the showbusiness isn't serious, and their jobs are this way easy to fire, you didn't had remorse... So me the talent kid pretend other person said, to you that after you make me be fired, I had to work to keep the family and night study to had my diploma, like? The man doesn't know that you felt pitty, the demon went your brains and said for the real test that man didn't had a respectful job, that who do what he does aren't decent you didn't help his daughters, because the father was a what you said? You had a better destiny for that money was for another person pocket so the money existed...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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