Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Deploiment of the cattle milk

 Is all products that you can make of the same milk, my mother said that she went to the farm of an uncle in the vacations probably aunt, his mother had 3 sisters, married we call the husband of aunt uncle, many time are people of equal ages, otherwise that isn't common probably isn't. So when they make cheese without took the butter the cheese sweat fat, so is more practical got the fat of the milk before make the cheese, also had italians cheese that are cover with wax, probably to the fat doesn't came out, probably, of course! So they got the fat of the milk, so isn't put water in the milk is got the derivates, after got the derivates we gonna have a better more digestive milk, the one of that came of the teats aren't very digestive, probably you gonna have more intolerance of milk if drink that, had all in excess there, fat, protein, ?sugar??? Is because for each species the milk is different, cow, dog, human...

So first derivative to got out of the milk is the butter, the second could be cheese, or coalhada, or even the 2 with a more refined process, and after ricota. In the farm of the family of the relatives of my mother, the soro is still very nutritive and was to the cattle with salt, to the babies.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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