Tuesday, June 25, 2024

IA had this?

 critical thinking. You can in future give temperament, it say about things but this doesn't take the choose, it had the same limitations of a genius in the matter, it can be right but it doesn't prevent the future, had a fortune teller that was IA, she never acquivent say the future, but is very practical and useful, you give the job for a human and he make a worse work for you, so you need be critics of that, and you hire a person and it doesn't want to explain to you why is better, you had to believe blindly because the person know that is but don't want make a report, a justification, I think that is part of the job make a justification about why, the person could just trhu the air a coin and would be luck this way even you can, you pay the person choose for you and was 50%? When you choose was what 3%? Is the same chances, if is 50% you do the opposite and are the same 50%.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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