Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why people, just why?

 Is that he need confidency he was surround by enemies, if all that happy people of the Woods, the Hobin Hood, was plot in the end when his soul die he would be the Moe Flanders, for the psychiatry even he be pedophilian, passed but not to the one that he was went, this one would destroy him for that studio., he work with the enemy, for the enemy, even the other director went to Bahia to know about him with the prostitute, and she lying saing that he returned, he never returned to see her. One of his wives would enter him, appear that he was loosing hope, is that the spiritual psychiatry was pitty of he be so abused and that were a lot of wolves.

The psychiatry came when he was restructured, to make he pass, one was almost sorry of pull him up to be a big fall, the other came more important than him in life but not in that industry. So small souls give hope, give youth. But he had those plans that he need prostitutes in his brains, so he was lost for himself, so I don't know his life a lot time, I didn't knew much but about the studio, his life at home I don't know.

For me is call, hadn't distance for me. I passed to lie, because had souls that want power, and they had to attend personally. For me I talk and the person listen no matters the distance.

He don't have all the self protection, he got afraid with the small menace and he would receive a lot, he doesn't have all that structure, any shake make he fall down, but with all that companion he was stronger, even his family wold enter him, that thing of Bahia make it almost planetary, and his offenses against Europe, when he call the other group I sai to the psychiatry that he was receiving what he deserve, and the psychiatry only prevent for some time. Once I said to him why the Pelintra cares for the piranha? Pelintra people said that is a person that use someone skin, I really help him and he thought that he was all that confident. The offences doesn't was for me, I was chill.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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