Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Where is the fire?

 That was in the 60's, so I was in the previous life, was psychology, to help more I raise one that was falling, or his help would always be unsuccess, we can't laugh of a person that fall, the helper want see hell, so raise one that was to fall in the hands of the same bad man was to who help him be better, was movies that was made after the 40's with the age iced down, he had a seductive soul, and would went after a teenager to got his fallen soul, he would offer a paternal love, and the person would agree with all th eviolneces that he did to his victim, he was a clown because he use a lot of makeup to interpretate another an older actor when he was young, so he was only the guy with a lot of makeup, I told him spiritually about the gibi that I was reading that was a maniac, that painted the face, and I describe all the evil the actor did to his victim, but I describe a gorthesque monster, when he knew the actor, and he started to say what he did he got afraid of be listen all that violence, was so easy he agree with all the other was saying, is that he was needing a soul, and the victim would laght of the other, in fact was laughthing was a test to he be all the help never be enough, he knows that was to lose the soul of the teenager, he thought that was God helping, oh no, was just a test to see if he deserved, but the other would had the soul more fall than before, I said don't need be so obvious you can't fight against him, just play that you agree.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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