Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Read to the end to know what yoy want

 In the end when we return to Europe we were in Heaven looklike hel see. Had there a writer of Rede Globo, I was laughthing that he didn't knew that he was Italian, right he was Italian. Right by the gate of Italy we returned t Europe, had so much Italian  Brazil that is more look like Indias and Japanese them Italians, I would not stay is just the entrance to where I went also, I not exactly friend of Italy but I have a lot of friends there. In the end I gona say the stupidity of the 2nd daughter of the woman with a prince of Europe who paid was the step-father, he was to be prostitute like something new.

The guradian had to collect, so returning about the writer, I didn't wanted that he was carring a doctor in Italy that made that operations lose the both hands, in Earth a desease is small in heaven is huge, had the appearance of sweet potatoes, and God that isn't that failed, in the end He would please because He was betraield, so all the European that had a lot of kis in Brazil the vagina end in the chin, in the middle is almost almost all the belly and the warms are inside of that sweet potatoes that are sebaceous, so God remove all that dirt and sew the person to the normal size, indians want so much people like that Italians tha they are confused with Japanese or Indians, is like make juice they had kids with the blacks and after the catch the mulattos to make Indians passing in the siege, multiplying them.

So let me say the good Raquel is a Maria using her name, that oen of today is exactly the woman that you hate her name is other, is because that bad woman need be the woman and was very nasty with the Maria. That director also is phan of Raquel but she in his soap-opera was named Helena. His pair his name is Po...ana he didn't married her but another woman, his one is very appeared with a Indian but is beautiful. So the 2nd had his chance a prince in Europe wanted be pediphilian and paid a new vagina for her, for the daughter of the husband of the person rich women in the Rio de Janeiro and the other a Prince that she got a helicopter to make with him out of Brazil, had something with a black prince, so the 2nd call the rich prince grand-mother, the balck prince is who make the travels of helicopter, he make maoney making people got inside the countries illegaly.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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