Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I got knew why I disapear in another life

 Childish as I was, I wanted an amusement park and came up with this, I said that even a park make by the demon everybody would want went, and the demon kidnapped me, What I said before disappear was also that can't be for the evil, and supposes to endure 3 years, the thing was to be challenging, the demon is bad just for the challenge for who dare to enter, understand I would went... I would had audacity of went there. There I had to be more stronger than the demon and don't got exhausted and he had to free me, we almost had to be an angel because the challenging are days. So no human would passes. So the demon construct the park in 3 days in Hell and wanted very bad to bring to the surface, had at least 2 princes that wanted the park no matters if was dangerous, was one of the India and the other was of England because they compete with each other, so had the mirror room, and I got knew that he had robber of the past one of my invention after I died, and of the other guy was the elevator, the ones that the demon construct, the people got in the elevator, electronic ones and the soul got out, and you thinking that the demon bring big invention he robbers, mine was when I was a North-American the film projector, was old. Because of the park he travel and robber the projector, could had the movies but the projector was robber after my death, so the room of projection the souls went inside the movie and are exhausted infinitely, but for me that was with a body I had be almost an Angel.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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