Saturday, June 29, 2024

Appear also

 That had to went to many places around the world, what would be my choices? Big capitals of the word the world metropolis like are in the Maybelline, Tokyo, Paris, New York, we can visit a house out of the route only for a special person a special place, also London, where I would look? Bookstores, famous centenary fountain, famous museums, basically the cultural touristic points, why not natural? I prefer ones that are human if I am looking for a human answer.

A movie that I liked I just didn't got the title was about the son of a actor that went to the house of his descease father thinking in sale the place, he almost die was a horror movie, in the end was a lady that used a completely cover face mask she was old and was in love for his father and thought that he was like seing her ol lover and whated he to never leave and never find another love.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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