Sunday, June 30, 2024

I used to think in place of a eternal body

 Why not infinite richness, or secrets of other side, or secret of other planets, and if would be uncountiless richness after death, the most rich birth, and people asking to be famous, I never said what was the most asked and would be the infinite richness I was afraid of the other richness the infinite knowledge, had amount them know the infinite death, so I always for the richness because appeared sin know infinitely if came with it the know about the death everybody die, what is that knowledge I play greedy, to don't say that the other richness appear with eternal death, be death for others and not for itself, be a person that scorn of so miserable, is disgusting of touch so much desgrace, can't be intelligent who choose the disgrace. The person said that was in the deep of the Brazil, that was in the deep of the outer space that was in the deep of the beginning of the eras, I don't want to know what is the disgrace fro me was enough see the eyes of a liar promessing that the acknowledgement worth, if so show, hadn't nothing but the death.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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