Sunday, June 23, 2024

Here take hold othe hot potato I don't apreaciate that guy

 People could invent a joke that is thru sharp knives in the other CAME MORE processing...

That incarnation that I told, my guide said that we only taste of the good if we taste of the bad. So you never gonna be a pure white if you never be from a another race that isn't white, had one that isn't a test. I almost be carried to England because I was Indian wasn't tragic? One day I would be a man from England seeing that experiments.

That was more that 10 years, so back the memories, murder and chase!!! In that alucinateing night, I was spiritually seeing some people around, had a story of a old woman cutting the photos of the daughter, had the young man of the hand had the older girlfrriend, had the old ladies in the bus saying that in person that guy is evenmore white. So let start...

So the oldest is that the director could even be of drive school, he asked to a friend a old woman that was his phan to she got the pictures of her daughter, so yuong the woman so old, to she got the picture and cut the arm of the daughter of all the pictures. I didn't understand why he did that with her, but she was saying that would make very bad things for his new girlfriend.

The friend that was next his age, she to be near him was calling him son, but what she wanted was marry him, she enter him in Rio de Janeiro because they would return him in so bad shape that he would need a woman like her taking care of him, she would never lose him.

The phans in the USA, took time to remember for me that was more that 10 years, when he lose the hand I said to his friends that took him to a hospital because the hand was to save if in time, they said that they were good was only phans of the director, and they were walking with others from other places of Brazil an them were violent, I had to saw a lot of movies about that to understand that a person had a hand cut out could patient because hadn't choice, I said to worth a pitty try, when his friends was far they said that if one day a person felt pitty from me. When he cut the legs I said that he already had lose the hand also the legs are a lot of mutilation, they said that he got old in short time that he was handsome like that Luke Skylwalker, sorry to say with who they compare, I think was necessary, I really hate cite names even fictitcious.

And he talked with God but God erase his head, because God showed His face, and he is that kind of guy that revenge all. God was saying that He liked all but the script. That he was there to discuss his eternity, and he said that Einstein was veryfamous but he wasn't that talent he was a fraud, God said but he receive his eternity, you I gonna erase you. You would not lived 200 years, and he was to say that had facinoras and they receive their eternity, God was thinking that he was a dangerous type of facínora, one destilated, disguised, manipulating, so he had the brain erased because God wasn't very found of him.

I was talking with him that we can requentar a old joke but we have to make it better, he even doesn't choose the better ones because the good ones would be for his old age, so he was bring the shit and making be with good appearance, I said that I use the bad jokes if I make them be good, was the judment of two men, see the judgment of two mwn can be important of the way was wasn't, the humanity would not lose nothing, living hilding the better and serving the worse, he was creating a worse humanity that prove only the worse that it create, he see a lot of good things but on porpouse choose what he didn't like, is that what he was doing. I said that even he didn't like the result if he was selling his old titles, th eauthorship because his agent said that he was without money. And all tha twomen fighting and killing each other for him, he was so whihtout money that he was selling his past. I said why he care about the demon if agent is type a demon that buy his soul at pieces. If that ladu that would came to help him had to see all that he wanted in TV I imagine that is the most ugly sutpid monster female machine of humanity.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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