Saturday, June 29, 2024

Starting point to another place

 This is the problem of that guy, he isn't the older, he thinks that isn't need make all the stops, htat isn't ordenated to had a sequency, I say to me if I would resolve I would try answer all, and not just jump to the end. An he that like to see even what hadn't importance, but in a quest he just hadn't patience.

Had years tha tmy guide said that he was enterig a house and he need that, the fole of the house was broke, he need fix it. I remeber the picture of one so I think that hole in the top had a lid that is attached in only one place, becasue when the fole push air depending if the sew is inside or outside, the lid will close for one side for the air and open for one side. My guide said that I would make a lot of money with parfum for 5 years.

I ha once had many years see one diabolic computer is very similiar to a musical organ.

Also my guide said that had soething to he remember in the Korean horror movie that people call Cinderella.  

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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