Sunday, June 30, 2024

Gossip also is viral

 Had gossips that are chains of the good, are or were there for the good, about that Psychiatry I said to an aunt that she was wrong to sent his daughter to a psychiatry if she wasn't sick, she said that he was in vogue and she was rich people need to know, people was so sincere see? In the end he taught something to my lady cousin that in a marriage she could cheat the husband for that she only need knows lie and he never discover, wasn't he horrible fantastic my cousin was the first pathological liar.

Imagine that he hatted rich people like my family. What he would do that mind corruptor, was that I thought about him, tha the was a criminal he would command his patients robber rich families to him? We can't accuse nobody that way without proof. He rotten the brains, but how many brains he could corrupt with his putrid finger, you know what is? Who make things got in decoposition had to have the finger petrified, I thought that he was ridiculous stupid, to think that some patients was enough to he control where I lived, London?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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