Saturday, June 22, 2024

I myself don't believe in I had that power and believ e that people lie

 Is many times better than Jesus heals because He kills, and sometimes are a monster asking to perpetuete his evil life, so Jesus kills saying that are curing, in my mind the cure is only possible is one chance and not all, if the person want to be good and pay it's debts, I don't know another cure, but the crimes could be very big! Sins and crimes kills the soul, the envy kills the envious, see also want Jesus by father isn't ask a father He is that angelical, noboy asks to an angel to be his father, they ha their sons and daughters, but asked the high position with it?

So Jesus when is killing he subtract all the bodyand bring a small mirror t othe person see a human face, many peple thought that he replace the mebers for monkey members, but is robot, when the face went away all the human of the person would be killed, is like a flash light in the top, so the person doesn't relise what is became until the day that see that flashlight in the mirror, I said to be human Jesus said only one lie would kill your soul, so they asks to people became angels, is just a way to convice people to receive that cure, see Jesus had a so dark heart like them but don't follow his heart, He knows better than anybody who they are.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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