Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bread and wine

 Happens that when making culture of bacterium, what the difference of colonies and culture one is more pop and we have a family of bacterium type two different of bacterium make bread? So in wine the bacterium would die and of the bread would be renovated, the alcohol is result of the respiration and the bubbles are produced perfect bubbles of vapor because was generated oxigen and water... this in bread if ressecar die the colony, so for microbiological the importance is the respiration of the bacterium, one moment the aclohoolic respiration for himself with kill the colony is like saturation. And if you let enter something in the wine when the experiment will be contamination, in the best of the result you will have vinegar. Probably is the bacterium that had in all the places that aren't the one culture that we want that are in the same biota consuming with producing acetic acid.

Rute Beezerra de Menezes Gondim

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