Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Food manufacturing and microbiology

 Bacterium hadn't day and night. They had metabolism that aren't control by day or night. I worked a lot with fresh bread ferment and the industrial one but not the dried, and its metabolism. In the cool temperature it would be there for sure a week, but even last for more time. But is sleep. We used to put in the freezer the advice is 3 months, but we used for one year, so microbium aren't like human cold doesn't kill them.  Stops its life with the freezing doesn't kill them.

You know what for is very good use ferment with low fermentation to make water and salt crackers, with no fat, just flour salt and water and the ferment, it gonna have a irregular fermentation that will produce acid, making be flavoured, people thinks that is lemon juice isn't, crackers with salt and water doesn't need but give a acid flavour that is very charming. But it will suffer another kind of fermentation the bread produce vapour that make that bubbles inside the bread they are lasting type a vinegar in the dough in place of make bubles. Probably what is! A culture old of bacterium, you didn't make the metabolism reproduce only rest the old ones that are dying, old bacterium produce not bubles but acid.

In a bakery had the exploitation, and in one of the biggest industry of flour food also had exploitation, in a normal kitchen for an instance, the right the common example eggs... When you do some recipe the most expensive part of the eggs is the yellow, so you do some creams that use the yellow and had cakes that you use because of the decoration more 6-12 yolks besides the full eggs, so the egg white is thru away in the drain pipes and when you make the price of the pie you calculate by the full egg, so have 2 eggs and 6 yolks you calculate 8 eggs, when you buy one liter of milk you use 600ml lower than that you are losing money, or you are making a recipe that is expensive and if this would benot passed for the price you are exploring YOU, you are working harder to don't passed for the price, in a bakery when th emilk would not be all used? You make a lot of cakes, doesn't had this lost, in the last cake who cares? The other cakes absorb the lost, is a economic question, a bakery even need a freezer, if you use the butter milk and eggs that you bought for the rest of the day, and the eggs, the egg white is make the meringue - suspiro so the part that is for the trash you are making money, is only profit, the oven even that you spent money, because is used the heat of the processing of the cake, is like that the suspiro is dried and not exactly baked, so you take out the cake and put the suspiro, turn out that you doesn't spent even the money with the gas. And of a factory a owner of a factory was colegue of mymother and he sai that all in his factory that went wrong, like even pasta - noodles, is put in the production of the sweet cookies was a recipe that got 1/3 of the full recipe with all that got wrong, like noodles, the other cracker, like got in the wrong consistency, he only had to regulate the recipe. The factory was all automatic had so much glitch that had a lot of dough for the cookies.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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